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Dynamic Equipment stats

8 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

In my opinion it would be greatly useful if for an example, you'd see your attack speed of your sword increase if you'd wield a Swiftstrike Buckler. To be clear, I'm talking about the Power/speed bar of the weapon here.

An extra, differently coloured bar getting added to the base stats is what I mean. It would give us a much better overview on the true effects your equipment has on your weapons?

Portrait de Dogrock
That would be immensely

That would be immensely useful.

Legacy Username

It would also stop incorrect stat display bugs. I think it's a good idea.



Portrait de Pauling
Information wants to hug

I have to admit that I was very surprised to hear that tooltips and weapon properties were drawn from different sources of information (hence recent issues with weapons doing less damage, or the wrong type). I'd assumed that weapon stats and tooltips were united. I'd love to see an interface that displayed your actual abilities that way, though. (especially when deciding whether to stack "effect" armors, or wear something different)

I'm not sure how this would tie into special "damage bonus vs monster x" bonuses; would there be a slider bar of a different color on top of your normal damage slider?

(And for a full set of virulisk armor, could this be labeled with a picture of an impostocube running away in terror? Please?)

Great idea.

Great idea. The only issue I see is... what if the newly-coloured bonus bar covers up the dimmed-out potential of the item? As an example, for a Lv1 item with it's attack only 75% of the way, there's that dimmed blue bar there which might be covered up my the bonus bar... perhaps simply tack the bonus after the dimmed part? Then there's the issue of the bar actual going over the top, at least theoretically speaking. Maybe it would have hit the max and thus the bonus is useless anyways since the stats of the item cannot go any higher? That seems reasonable to me. It's a great idea nonetheless. I'd love to see something like this implemented. I honestly think there's a bit of a lacking as far as stat display goes... I wish they would have numeric values displayed especially, it would make comparison immensely easier, not to mention how it would simplify Wiki editing/viewing.

Legacy Username

But with the same problem as chronus....maybe a half bar, cut in the horizontal, the upper part being the bonus, and the lower part being the potential yet to be gained? Also, a vertical line showing where the equip attributes can go, summing all the bonuses.

Legacy Username
@Chronus: Technically

@Chronus: Well, the attack power or speed increases, meaning that this will increase its potential max. So the shaded bar would just move along to the right? (sort of "pushed" to the right?)

I suppose you could do that, but...

I suppose you could do that, but I think it just might be somewhat misleading, as if to say the max would normally be there anyways. Regardless, if they just added a detailed stat menu it would fix everything. Have you ever noticed on the character screen with your avatar it looks like there's more room for additional tabs aside from Equipment? It's the only one there, and it seems like you can click on it. Perhaps they might be going somewhere with this...