When did this happen?
CE market
The SK staff would have to keep all their UV roles on record. That would get huge, so how the heck could they know what's been rolled? If that is kept track of, does that mean my record is filled with cutters from mist crafting?
@ Rommil
Well put ;-;, I know how hard that kinda stuff can be
Doesn't care. I would like to say neither do I....but I do. T_T
But I can no longer support OOO, spiral knights, or it's community, as all three are intertwined. I'll make it official later on, when I have time to do it right. Until then, I'll see you all in haven for just a bit longer :(
I'm pretty sure fixing this would be easier said than done.
NO! rommil!
Rommil will recieve lots of "can i have your stuff" mail xD
no longer support OOO, spiral knights, or it's community
You can no longer support the community because they were around during the time that OOO failed to completely, 100% fix something that (as Cyrtixx said) would really be harder to fix than not, all because a single individual exploited?
Way to go and blame the world for one persons actions.
Jus' sayin'~
Have a sort of auto save function, and a roll back would be done by resetting it to this point. Sort of like the "time machine" function on a MacBook. Idk, some one more tech inclined than I explained it on here once. And that's how my un-tach-minded brain interpreted it. And even if it's a heck of a lot of work, if they cared about their product they'd do it, it would be worth it for the integrity of the game. But they just informed us, this game has no integrity.
It's too much effort and work to do the right thing, so we won't.
@ above. Tell me how to support the community in a way that doesn't support OOO? There isn't one.
I don't take it as not caring; I take it as not having crown transactions logged beforehand and, as such, not being able to properly roll back. There could be many possible reasons for not logging crown transactions, chief among them "they were too busy with danger missions". At any rate, why should you let the actions of one cheater prompt you to quit? Are you still capable of doing what you found fun in the game? I assume the answer is "yes"; if so, why would you leave because one cheater bypassed this?
Sad to see you go, especially if there's no reason to.
EDIT: Dang, you guys post way too fast. By the time I finish there's derpbillion new posts.
Rollbacks do a lot of damage as well. It essentially is reversing time, and a lot more people will be negatively affected than people being "fixed".
You'll get rid of all the cr that were made (and have since been sunk or banked away anyways), but you'll also be stripping countless people of their Krogmos, heat, cr, ce, UV rolls, lockboxes, trades and sales etc.
It may not have been a long time, but considering how many people play, that's a lot of innocent stuff that'll be erased.
I think it would help a lot to know exactly how many fake crowns entered the market, how many of those were blown on Punch, and the highest amount of crowns that any one legitimate player made during the course of this. But I seriously doubt we're going to get any statistics; OOO doesn't value transparency in my experience.
People are going to be upset no matter what Three Rings does, so what should they do? Make this group of people upset or this group; it's a difficult decision to make
"It wasn't an external program. It was an extremely rare edge-case-y bug that someone happened upon and then decided not to be a good citizen about."
fascinating...... Thanks for answering that question Eury, I promise I mean no ill intent, merely curiosity. But I also still cannot begin to fathom how or where that 'exploit bug' existed...... veeeerrrry interesting indeed.
Less had they went down for maintenance 3-4 hours ago when it was first suggested.
Mismanaging one situation is not rectified by mismanaging another.
It is difficult, though I'd have to put my vote towards what is "fairest", ie the one that vanishes the trace of what the fake crowns did the most.
The time being erased would rob me of promo stuff, multiple accessories and UVs that I got legitimately using money. I can't speak for the others who more than likely spent money as well on the game during the time period in which these things happened.
Yeah, at the end of the day, it does suck that crowns were introduced into the market illegitimately, but I'll be damned if that's worth punishing everyone for the actions of one person. They've already confirmed that a majority of the crowns earned through this exploit have already been thrown into the UV market anyhow, and the market for that crashed months ago.
Why do people care about this so much? Some players that were online during the event, won the lottery, got some thousand dollars worth of cr. If they are on steam, they can probably buy all the games they want with trading. Yeah those were lucky, deal with it. Even the ce prices are going back to normal now so I don't think there's too much damage here.
Any idea how much happens in an MMO in five hours?
Alone, I made handfuls of Krogmos, did a few runs, in which I heated up items, made a trade for a UVd item from the forums, farmed recipes from Basil. That's not time I want thrown away, especially since some of it can't be simply "done again".
And that's just me.
You also get people rolling UVs, opening lockboxes, finding rare mats or items, making trades etc...
In the space of 5 hours, there's a hell of a lot more legitimate activities that people won't be happy about being erased. How many people have posted here demanding a rollback? A dozen? What about the triple digits amount of people who didn't want a rollback and would rather their progress be remained? Don't be so selfish; you're going on about how OOO doesn't care, but you clearly don't care about the numerous other people who disagree with you, and just want the rollback for your own, personal reasons.
Fact is, you lost nothing, and damage to the economy will be minimal. You're mad because someone hacked and did what you've been working to do. So what? That happens; it's over now.
That's like saying you've been a hard-working businessman all your lilfe and made millions. Then you read the paper, someone robbed a bank - AND GOT CAUGHT - and you say "screw this folks, I quit /suicide". Seriously, get over yourself.
I take a few week break for Borderlands 2, check back on the forums, and find another one of these.
Looks like I continue to be correct. OOO doesn't give a damn about the integrity of the game. Sunk via Punch. Hardly. Even then, I'd wager the abusers would make a pretty penny off of the good stuff rolled. Unless Eury is telling us that it is literally impossible to make money off of Punch.
I kinda figured I'd quit at the next one of these; a "fool me once, shame on me" kind of thing. But now I refuse to quit because that is exactly the kind of thing OOO wants. For you all to forget. Well, I refuse to let you all do so. I shall be a spectre on these forums and continually bring this up. UV ticket fiasco. CE market manipulation. Don't forget, lest you allow OOO to continue of this path.
I kinda wonder how many similar incidents have happened in other OOO games. Is it just the SK division that straight up hates the spirit of their game, or the entire company?
One guy can cause catastrophic damage to anything felt by many. I'll point to history for vindication. But even then, it's not only just "because of one guy." It's the entire response by OOO to this, and other such things. As Pawn/Rommil argued during the UV ticket thing, OOO is not harmed by this, at least in much of a discernible way. But their inaction to this, to upholding the integrity of the game, speaks volumes. Do you really want to support a dev that gives absolutely no damns about their game?
And that is why the smart thing to do is taking the game offline until it's fixed. But that would cut into OOO profit margins. Can't have that, now can we? Integrity don't mean a goddamn thing if you hope the playerbase will just forget about everything in a week.
And as for your bank robbery quote, no. It's like a counterfeiter got caught and executed, but all the people that got the counterfeit money can still use it.
*shrug* I've played a lot of MMOs and seen a lot worse hacks, glitches, exploits and problems arise than this, and seen the developers deal with them a lot worse (and sometimes not at all). SK took...what 6 hours to come up with a fair solution that leaves the majority happy (yes, I'm including the vast majority of people who DIDN'T demand a rollback, as this thread is incredibly small for the amount of fuss you're all kicking up). Overall, that's pretty damn good, so unless you're expecting perfection, you've got no real reason to [tart] about how bad this is.
Bringing it offline may have been the solution, but there is a threshold of time before that's applicable, including finding out whether or not it's legitimate or not, but even so it ultimately won't help much, as you'll still have this thread here demanding a rollback for the damage to egos.
Okay, so your analogy works too, but one addition: most of that money got set on fire by some character named Punch. They still got to benefit out of it, sure, but at least not in a way that damages the economy. Sometimes people just win out of a bad situation, but that doesn't merit rolling back the server and negating all the legitimate gains that were achieved before OOO even knew what was happening.
And your analogy still doesn't justify Rommil/Pawns suicide. It's all over now, the money is under control, the exploiter has been apprehended...they've got no rational reason to want to quit, other than wanting to whine about it, s'all I'm sayin'.
(edit: not that I'm tryin' to convince them to stay; s'their choice and I don't care one way or the other, but if it only takes something as stupid as this to convince long-term players to throw a tantrum, then that's their business; all I'm sayin' is that all this "OOO don't care about us, our lives are ruined, we quit" is them just talkin' out their arses.)
Post removed. Please do not post false claims about a support action on your account. You may use the Support Email form if you would like to discuss this further.
I was stripped of all my belongings after 1 month of perm ban for which I had to beg to get my character back .. all that for a bug that fell onto me.. true story. Many people that were there back then know about it even Rommil mentioned that bug that happened about a year ago.
False Claims ??? You don't like that I relate my TRUE story so you simply remove my post ?? Bravo, shows again how OOO handle things. I'm not surprised no one signed that Post removal, I'd really love to know who's calling me a liar.
WOW, i take back my words.
Dam that is a MIGHTY BIG BUGG!!!
That is unbelievable how it happened.
Dam u guy who went and brought teh price up for others to do unfairly what u have done.
But, at the same token, everyone who took part of it, wasnt there fault.
I would have done the same thing if i had seen the prices that high (click) on the purchase of 900k from 100ce.
I think everyone that takes part in this thread should be given somthing from 000 rings are people will have a heated relationship with this game and the team.
Thats just my proposel and my opionion which im intidaled too.
Salutes all my fellow and ladie knights :D
Was wonderin' how long it'd be before the obligatory "we want compensation" post...
Of course, it's no better than the exploiter, if you ask me...y'know, expecting free stuff for no good reason *shrug*
Yeah because a major hack exploit is no reason. :p
This was some kind of joke or something.
Someone robs a bank in your city, do you expect the authorities to chap on your door and hand you over free stuff?
Hell, what if *ahem* someone in this thread was one of the people who benefited from the whole fiasco...and then was given compensation mail?
Rommils head would explode.
Wow, that sounds horrible, Bogga. What are you doing still playing their game after something like that? o.o
I certainly would not have it in me.
Bringing it offline may have been the solution, but there is a threshold of time before that's applicable, including finding out whether or not it's legitimate or not
Judging by Eury's posts in this thread (thread creation to mod post), that time is about an hour and a half (and that's assuming OOO wasn't doing anything about this before Eury posted). I'd say that's well within applicable range.
And as for quitting, at least when it comes to this game; this is two separate times OOO has botched up a major exploit. I find them less committing suicide as much as heading for the lifeboats. Why devote time to a game where some people can cheat their way to whatever, but not others? And don't try to compare this game to real life too much. Most people play games to get AWAY from the injustices of the real world. Escapism, ehwot.
I'd also like to point out that this hinges fairly majorly on the PRINCIPLE of the matter. Doesn't matter that it does nothing to OOO, and that we'll only be feeling ripples for a time. And feel them we will. Only "half" the money (or whatever) was destroyed. We still have half a problem. I'm kind of interested in what the buyouts of the featured auctions are gonna be for the next week or two.
But yeah, like the ticket fiasco, too much damage has been done to expect OOO to fix anything. They had the opportunity to run damage control but didn't because... they just don't give a damn, I guess. Certainly what their actions say, and actions speak FAR louder than words
A pity.
This is a game, not real life >>
People can't print REAL money in their homes and get away with it, you can't rob a bank in spiral knights, there's millions *probably billions* of fake crowns running around the system right now
I'm not mad because I only log on to craft away my Mist, but I've been in the situation in an MMO before and it sucks. But whatever, the decision is already made ._.
If you're worried about cheaters, you really shouldn't play games. There'll always be hacks, cheats and exploits and there will rarely, if ever, be a good solution to it that makes *everyone* happy, especially when some people are just looking for an excuse to whine. MMO devs will always be the bad guys in some peoples eyes.... If the guy just kept the money to himself, it'd be easily fixed, but he literally threw it across the world; that's not as easy a fix, at least not without pissing off another group of people altogether. Six and half a dozen?
And it's hard not to compare it to real life, because all the problems we want to escape from (greed, cheating, dirty moods etc) don't come from life, they come from the humans who play life. And it's humans who play the game. The only way to "get away" from the crapitudes of life is to play a console game. You do not play an MMO to escape life, you play it to interact with others, which invites in things like this, so it's really only your own naivety that should burn you when this type of thing happens, if you were genuinely expecting everything to be unicorns and rainbows.
But yes, the one good way to make sure that you aren't negatively affected is to just...not worry about the AH for a week or two. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Just go and, dare I say, try have fun. Play LD, run the CWs etc. Put merchanting on hold and you won't feel even a breeze of the effects of this, and won't have to worry about a thread (much larger than this one) about people raging about a rollback that they didn't want, care about or even know why it happened that erased their trip.max UV.
Thing is, we expect the admins to come down on cheaters, and make sure whatever they do doesn't effect others. We expect them to care. That is our implicit compact.
Admins wield absolute and total power over the game. They are gods. So yeah, they can certainly right everything. If they cared to. But OOO doesn't.
And as for waxing philosophical about human nature, that's why MMOs have been trying for the longest time to stamp out the crappy parts of human nature, since they actually have the power to do so in many cases (ninja looting, spawn camping, etc). And yet OOO finds the stamping to be too much effort, I guess.
Do know that I have absolutely no stake in anything, even if I really cared about playing. I do not interact with the market in any way, nor want anything else from it. I have enough CE/cr to maybe make new weapons or buy some big item if OOO ever released anything like that. I want no other costume than the one I have.
Once more, I'm here arguing on the principle of the matter, like I did for UV tickets, forum spam, and other assorted things. I'm beginning to think people either do not understand, or just straight up don't care about principle. They're as apathetic as OOO.
A horrifying thought.
I feel as though the bigger problem here is that OOO isn't taking suitable actions for players who were able to massively benefit thanks to an exploit. Even if the initiating player was the only one who took advantage of the exploit, many other players also indirectly profited from said exploit. And if OOO isn't willing to try and rectify that, what's stopping more players from trying to cheat the system in the future?
They may be gods to the players, but they're still restricted to the confines of the game world. They do have limited options.
For example, they simply can't track each and every individual crown that's gone across the game, especially after some of it's been sunk. It's just not within their power to completely mitigate the problem.
A rollback solves the problem, hopefully, but also pisses off people who didn't want a rollback and, considering how small this thread is, the number of people who don't care vastly outnumber the folk demanding a rollback. OOO do care about their players, and choose to listen to the majority. Let's face it, it's no effort or loss for them to do a rollback, and by not doing it they ahve to sit and watch this thread whine away about how horrible they are, but they're facing that thread either way, so they're going by the numbers. A dozen people asking for a rollback that affects hundreds is simply not justifiable.
And MMOs always do strive for better, but as I already said, I've played a lot of MMOs and seen a huge variation of attitudes and responses. As much as people want to [tart] and moan about how horrible OOO are, they're really, really not, by comparison. Go treat yourself to one of the worse games for a year or two, then you'll appreciate SK a lot more.
I mean, the "big things" you're complaining about...only a few of them? Plenty of games have incidents like these every month or two. I once played a game where they had to rollback half a dozen times in one weekend because they just couldn't contain the problem. I'm not saying SK/OOO is perfect, no game is, I'm just sayin' to stop expecting perfection, relax a bit, enjoy the game (or quit) and remember that they're human as we are, but they have to consider hundreds of peoples opinions, not just yours.
EDIT: @Kupo: it's like walking by an ATM as it starts to spit out money. These people weren't cheating, they just benefited from a situation. The person who created it all was caught, and the exploit patched. It's unfair to punish the others for it and unreasonable to expect them to monitor and retroactively collect every illegitimate crown. The other option is to rollback, but again, that introduces the same decision of whether or not it's worth it in the grand scheme, as only a few players benefited, but a rollback invariably affects everyone.
Regardless, there's no possible fix now. The only possible fix there ever was was a rollback early on. But rollbacks are restorations of database backups, and databases are not constantly backed up. For all we know, they'd have had to reset it to 5 am this morning, and there was never a rollback window to start with.
Either be satisfied that they did their best, and it sounds like they did, or vote with your money and never buy CE again.
If someone had tampered with an ATM to the point where it started to spit out money, then my guess is that anyone passing by and taking advantage of the situations would be considered a thief or accomplice, especially if the person doing said tampering was standing in front of the ATM and handing money out. I'm almost certain that nobody who ran off with handfuls of money from said ATM would be home free.
I don't expect OOO to monitor every single crown, but to the best of my knowledge, they do monitor energy transactions. Beyond that, I can't say anything definitively without knowing what OOO has available on their end, but they were able to determine that "the bulk of the crowns" was sunk into Punching UVs. And regardless of what's available, I do believe they should make a good faith effort to take away the excess crowns.
But a large number of the crowns were quickly spent. You can't take away crowns that people don't have.
+1 guyinshinyarmour
Darkbrady, sadly I do believe you have this completely right as well. The rollback is a non-factor, not worth further discussion, OOO will never do this. However, you compare OOO to games that are worse, when most players would compare this exploit/incident and its handling to games that are better, games that strive to have "principle". Would OOO rather their game compared to a diamond, or a turd?
As I said, it's too late for a rollback now. I sure as hell am not arguing for one now. No, the game shoulda been shut down once this thing came to light, the exploiter banned, then everything rolled back. Maybe lose an hours worth of progress. Not too bad. Given player demographics, this being a weekday and all, I'd definitely say not too terribly many people would be effected by rolling back an hour vs leaving illegitimate cr in the market and undermining confidence in the economy in general.
But now everything is too broken to fix. OOO will just try to sweep everything under the rug. Again.
And as for the ATM thing, we sure as hell expect those who picked up the money to 1) know better and 2) give it back. I don't want them banned, reprimanded, or even warned. I just expected everything restored to status quo. But as already stated....
so this is what i can do to the market with only 500 mil :P good thing it was my alt xD
anyways, Eucylid, i'm sorry for doing so :P but it was worth it xD
everyone who sold CE got a nice profit and i think it was worth it xD
oh and i wish you the best of luck :P
Banning my alt was a little much, dont you think? sorta sucks since i still had a few hundred mil before ban.
but whatever xD
expect anohter one soon kids :P
And what if the rollback would have been 6 hours when the thing happened in the first place? We don't know when the servers do backups. For all we know it could be midnight once a day, i.e. 11 hours prior to when it happened.
So some hardworking people who pay for the game with real money or are big merchants/gainers don't get this oppurtunity yet these few lucky people suddenly get very rich..... They don't deserve the crowns. Why doesn't everyone else get 10 million crowns?
There is such a thing as over-extending a metaphor~
Point is, those who benefited are not to blame. Fact is, the market was simply not going to sit there at 10m and have no one buy. If an ATM did randomly spit money out into the high street, people wouldn't just ignore it...it simply doesn't happen.
I do agree that a good faith effort would be in order, but feasibility is an issue, too. You can't tell how specific their logs are, for all you know they just know that around the time 500m cr showed up in the economy, Punch made a 300m killing. Simple deduction tells them that most of the crowns people benefited from were just sunk straight into Punch.
I do think its' pretty unfair that they got all the UV rolls they wanted for free, and a heap of free cash, but that doesn't affect me negatively. I, however, would be furious if there was a rollback and I'd lost a day, for the sake of repairing someone elses ego.
@Lykqid/Guyinshinyarmour: I maintain that the principle here is regarding the much larger number of people who will have opposed the rollback, over the small portion who benefited. Either action will wrong someone (and have them accused of having no principle) so it simply comes down to offending the fewer number of people. Right now, people demanding a rollback are far, far fewer in number. You can go on about principle all you want, but ultimately SOMEONE will feel betrayed, and like hell the devs are going to allow that to happen to the majority group. Just because you feel wronged, and you feel that there's no principles, doesn't mean there's far more people right now who feel they made the right choice and that there were principles.
Also, you can try compare to "better" games all you want, but no game is perfect; you really can't expect much more than this, not unless there's some kind of divine intervention that prevents bad things from happening to that game...
Either way, this debate's going nowhere anymore, and nothing else will be done; there'll certainly be no rollback, so I'm headed to bed for the night, so I'll just finish with Kalaina's line:
Either be satisfied that they did their best, and it sounds like they did, or vote with your money and never buy CE again.
Or /metaphorical suicide~
More likely the database would be back up at 5:00 SK time, when the server reset happens. Six hours is still steep, but it *is* early morning in the US, and I'd wager the VAST amount of players wouldn't have logged on. It's also the effect of what has happened in the last few hours verses however long the effect of cheating will last. I'd wager the latter outweighing the former.
Then again, I might also be thinking too much like this game is advanced and does backups every hour you play. That'd be something a bigger company would do. Probably not OOO.
Hm... Thinking on this more... Knock the game offline, grab all players that were accessed in the last two hours or so, search [henceforth, I use search as in you use a program to pick through the database and return what's needed] through them for users with over a million crowns, and cross-reference it with people who've bought energy from our source player. If cross referencing is out of the picture, then we could compare these individuals to their backup knight. If they've somehow managed to accrue, oh, say, over 500k worth of cr in those few hours, I'd say that's fishy. Call me crazy, but I'd assume the player pool that matches that would be small. Worth handing off to other GMs on duty for individual investigation (if ya want to be thorough; else just roll em all back).
Oh god oh god oh god I'm overthinking this. Must stop.
if they are using a database to store the game data, which i presume is true.
then everything is logged in transactions, each alteration of the database is logged, so they can actually track where each crown went.
it's still a massive effort to go through the logs to isolate those fake crowns, and i guess that's what you guys are arguing about.
if 3 rings is going to spend the effort doing that.
also the analogy should be 'counterfeit' money, not atm spitting out money or robbing banks. as someone said earlier.
Considering that we don't know exactly how the game is back logged, I don't think we can make any statements about the difficulty (or possibility) of fixing this
Forgot the other guy, and don't want to scroll up. At one point, yes, i had a quest to raise 100m crowns. But since then through numerous patches my main means of making money (buying and reselling 5* gear) basically evaporated overnight with the supply depot. The risk vs. reward at that point made it a true gamble to take on inventory, and a losing one at that. So the days of me carrying 30-40 unbound 5* gear for resell are gone. Yes, at one point me and pawn kept about a rolling inventory of 150-200k+ ce worth of goods each. Even if you only made 100 ce per item...it added up very quickly. Like i have said before, i kept an excel spreadsheet to track my progress and to accurately quantify my gains. Last october i made a little over 10m crowns in that month alone. I was doing this for months before i did the spreadsheet (was hard to see how much i was making, because i instantly reinvested. So my inventory was growing ever bigger, but my crowns/ce the same. thus the impetus for doing the spread sheet). And i continue to merchant in this fashoin until the advent of supply depot. Suppy depot killed this arena of the market. Thus pawn and i's infinite rage at the time.
Since then i have spent most of my fortune, and would be glad to get back up to 10m crowns. (could easily do it, by liquidating ever larger portions of my massive collection of treasured accessories, and unbound max uv'd gear--saddly this stuff is depreciating anyways). So it has nothing to do with wanting to be the richest player on the game, the richest "sorta" free to play player on the game, or the richest merchant on the game. Nothinig to do with this at all.
The secondary reason it would bring the end for me is this: I have worked incredibly hard scouring the forums and trade chat, through tedium and determination, with hours of pride and pain, through gains and losses, through risks and rewards, through good times and bad, to build up to everything i have. It took savvy, luck, intelligence, good investments, bad investments. months of studying the market to know the prices of everything, the upkeep on where those prices are going, the danger of speculation, the insight to forcasting, basically when not playing i was a dedicated SK economist and investment dynamo. So it offends me greatly the thought that someone could gain the equivalent of what took me over a year of work to earn, in the better part of 20 minutes through some sort of "funny business." Without an inkling of skill or work.
And the primary reason is this. I have invested such time, effort, and love into Spiral Knights, all willingly and happily. From the economy, to the forums, to the community, both in game and out. But I could not think to pour any more of myself into this game, If OOO doesn't care as much as i do. And if they let something of this magnitude occur without setting it to rights, then in my eyes they really don't care. And if they do not care, i simply can't put any more of myself into this game than i already have. This is the main reason.
Some will understand, some won't. But that is where i stand on the issue.