Hey guys i need to kno the steps for spiral spy for Mac and how to set it up. Plz help me thx
I Need help with Spiral Spy
that doesnt help me much since i dont kno wat to click and it doesnt have any mac setup things
Once you've downloaded it, put the file in the Spiral Knights Folder in the Application Support Folder.
i dont kno where my SK folder is because i use SK on steam
anything else
the "put folder in sk directory" always messes me up.
wheres the directory? how do i open the folder? why am i so late with technology?!
even Happyapathy when he was active, all i got was a msg with "Just open SK Directory and paste file there :)" with a smily! like he knew that i didnt knew!
still no idea what he meant. ._.
i dont see how getting windows would do crap since i use apple and i dont get how that helped me (no offense)
- Open a finder window.
- Go to your user
- Open the folder "library"
- Open the folder "application support"
- Open the folder "steam"
- Open the folder "steamapps"
- Open the folder "common"
- Put "spiralspy1.2.jar" into the folder labeled "spiral knights"
What won't open? Spiralspy? Spiralknights? Did you find the folder?
If the folder you put "spiralspy-1.2.jar" into has a folder in it labeled "RSRC," you're in the right place.
Did you find the folder? If so, just double click the .jar and it should open.
it says plz make sure jar is in spiral knights directory then a this pops up saying cannot launch spiral spy plz check for errors
Don't actually put it into 'RSRC', put into the folder above it which contains 'RSRC', it's just called 'spiral knights'. Put it in 'spiral knights', leave it there, and then double-click on 'spiralspy-1.2.jar' while it's in that folder.
Thanks for posting this message board, it helped me too.
put it into the right folder, but mine just refuses to display the character and environment.
I appear to have the same problem as Yirumi.
In short, all the options at the side appear except for the actual knight and background.
There is also an error log beginning with:
2013/02/11 10:08:49:638 WARNING com.threerings.export: Class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.threerings.projectx.dungeon.arena.config.ArenaActionConfig$AllowPvpLoadout
It is the same each time except for date and time. I have tried re-downloading both spiralspy and spiral knights itself.
If anyone could help me solve this problem I would be quite grateful.
Thanks to all.
I forgot this thread was still around. Hmm well enjoy I guess.
how do i get it to play other attack animations besides "Attack Sword 003"?
Change the model to model_level.dat. That one has the combat animations.
Default model must be for Haven or something (but why would it have sowrd attack 003 then)
Also, how do I get more than one thing on the screen at a time? Like this?
I managed to correctly install (I think) Spiral Spy onto my Mac, and it runs, but the screen is a blank white and crashes when I try to load anything into it.
What did I do wrong?
Oh, and that model doesn't have attack animations either. All it has are things like ready/charge sword/gun/bomb, use shield, use item, etc.
My Spiral spy appears as a WinRar file. What do i do?
It is a spiralspy-1.4.jar
You necroed a thread from three years ago, most of these people have gone inactive