So me and my friends are doing a shadow liar and one of them is bringing the SwiftStrike Buckler. Is it any good to bring in there? He is a gunner with polaris Magma Driver and Strike Needle. Thank you for your feedback
SwiftStrike Buckler

Thank you for that advice. Shields are meant to shield bounce and block projectiles not to tank Trojans.

This thread might be more at home in the Arsenal subforum.
That said, sometimes you have no choice but to tank damage, such as if you get mobbed by enemies or suffer from unpredictable lag that forces you to play defensively. Be sure that you tailor your loadout to your playstyle, as not everyone can trust their computer (or teammates!!) enough to rely on gunning at a distance.

Swiftstrike is the shield for gunners.
I use it all the time as my gunner. When someone is gunning, if you are needing to depend on your shield, then you're doing it wrong.
I can solo FSC fine with my gunslinger setup with the Swiftstrike, heck I solo Vana all the time with it too.

For the shadow lairs, Swiftstrike can be good or bad for gunners depending on the lair.
UGWW: Make sure to bring a callahan and a storm driver. The SSB will be a great shield with these handguns since you'll be able to force wolvers to dodge and shock lock a lot of undead while dodging bullets and doing good damage. I haven't tried it yet since I'm a wimp, but I want to really badly.
URJP: Umbra driver and Magma driver are great for this shadow lair. If you want something for close range protection (because crowds are inevitable) use a toothpick, despite the slimes. It's a fast sword and good for hitting and running to get your gunning distance.
UIMF: Well, I'd like to say that gunning is good here, but there are so many floor hazards present. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have a four bar connection and are adept with your awareness, go for it! Bring an umbra driver and a hail driver.
UFSC: This is the best shadow lair for that SSB. Bring a blitz needle and your choice of storm, nova, or hail driver. If you don't like the blitz needle, try bringing a hail driver and a dread venom striker for taking care of freezing vana and the swarm seed. The hail driver also offers great support for your team mates.
That's just my opinion. As you can see from my recommendations, I'm practically in love with the flippin' alchemers. Anyhoo... happy shooting!

When did you become the guild master of the forums?

Yes, it should be in the arsenal. And, if you'd looked on the arsenal (and the first page, at that) you'd have found this:
Asking virtually the same question and getting some responses; experienced ones at that.
I'd have to disagree with Malsvir, not based on my experience with SLs, but my experience with the Swifty and his choice of weapons. Blitz and Alchemers are just not weapons that largely benefit from Swifty, as you mostly use those guns for the charge attacks, and the alchs only get two shots anyways.
Swifty has a greater effect on guns such as pulsar or antigua. Relying on a Swifty purely for those guns, in the SLs, would be dodgy. I'd advise some more justification towards the shield than "it rocks with those guns" before taking it into a run as costly as a SL.

Of course it wont be your first choice, but if you're good enough...
SSB is IMHO the best shield in game, if you have the skills SSB gives an extra boost, especially for gunners and swordies (not charge spammers).
Well for SL, I neither have the skills nor the good Internet for that shield, but I bring it to most of the other missions. <3 that shield.
Obligatory "if you're using your shield to absorb damage you're doing it wrong" comment.
That being said, Swiftstrike Buckler is probably one of the better shields in the game, if only because of its ASI bonus, and is a staple for most offensive PvE gunner sets.