Logging in to haven is like walking onto a high school campus - I basically see the same players. It almost feels like thre are only 1-2 thousand of us and we all know each other. Has SK ever published a financial report anywhere online? I'd be fascinated to see how this is a sustainable business plan.
How in the world is Spiral Knights surviving financially?
maybe I just don't memorize any names but naaa I allways see different people. At least it feels like this.
A reason for this also could be that I'm often landing in different havens (randomly or by choice).
Kind of strange because I always see new people. If you check the party finder you'll see there are always tier 1 games full of new players
I was stunned to see how many LD games of various tiers are always going on. Yet I can never seem to find a T1 game myself. ;___;
You probably just log on at the same times, in the same Havens; more likely to see the same people. Try shuffling through other Havens, logging on at new times, checking the party finder, spectating LD matches...not to mention all the people in private lobbies or ready rooms; I see new faces all the time, T1 and otherwise~
I'm not sure, but I think that the Haven assigner is not random. It seems that I often land in a Haven with many of my friends or guildies, even if not many of them are on and there are many full Havens. It wouldn't be hard to write such a non-random assigner. Then again, I could be imagining it.
I'm amazed by how many guildless, 2-star newbies I see around these days. They seem to congregate in the Bazaar, probably because of those talking and crafting missions. The game population seems fine to me. But I don't know how much they pay, of course.
This game supports itself. ALL the crystal energy in the economy is paid for by some-one, and that's a spectacular business-model. Spiral Knights will always be paid if people want to get above tier 2, even if we do have the same people.
I do believe the Haven assigner makes you go to the Haven that has the most of your friends in it. If none of your friends are online or in Haven, then it'll spawn you in a random Haven.
All the high-level people are usualy the same, the low levels typicaly spend their cash and quit before finishing T3.
there are more players than u think. when u press "go to haven" or come back from a run/LD u get to the haven with most friends in.
correct me if im wrong pls :3
I think the freinds thing is accurate when you start the game, though don't you go to the last haven you were in when you finish PVP?
Anyway, all I'm saying is that I don't ever recognize any beggers, or see a whole lot of people in T3 that I knew as a noob unless I was also a noob at that point in time.
I submit that you are wrong.
After the last, 'Active Guild' thread, I decided to spend a little time after runs each day writing down the names and guilds of people I saw in Haven.
Some things I learned:
a: The number of people not in guilds (mostly newer people) is at least as big as the number of people who are in guilds.
b: I spent four days on this and have over 300 guilds and almost 600 different players that I saw written down. This is one guy, one Haven at a time, in his spare time, who missed a lot of people because he types slow.
The notion that our playerbase is only in the 4 digit range is simply not believable.
also c: Currently, just from personal observation, the most active guild is Rigorous.
I think the reason why you always see the same people is that most of the newbies log on once and never again either because the didnt like the game or think its to hard to progress throughout the game itself. and belive me I've meet to many people like this online.
If this was OOO only venture, then they would not make much. The good news is that this is not their only source of income. Keep your sword up, knights.
It's not that new players (always) quit quickly, but people often require a certain amount of time playing a game before they commit money to it. Since the new players live on ME, they can only afford to spend an hour or two a day on the game until they either make cr for more CE or invest in the game. Also, they're less likely to have many in-game friends or be in a guild, and thusly have less reason to stay online when they've run out of ME. Because of this, higher players are far less likely to see newer players simply due to their short hours/day, whereas T3 players are more likely to be seen online more regularly due to EPs, surplus CE, alts, friends/guilds etc.
Ya its always the same people. I would say they are not making as much as they were 3-4 months ago. I do think they are profiting after all they have a promo every few weeks now.