I have been playing Spiral Knights for about 1 year and 2 months (not continuously of course) and I’ll like to share which patch I think was the best or worst. After all, these are just my opinions so I do not wish to have any flame wars or biggy arguments. It would be great for everybody in this community to contribute and share their opinions.
Worst Patch:
I think this Rank Mission patch basically ruined the whole arcade room, clockwork system and for new players.
- Probably only 5% out of the whole SK community goes to the arcade everyday, not to play clockworks but just to chill or sell minerals.
- Currently a lot of new players without a guild cannot find a full party for rank missions, definitely very low chance of playing the clockworks. Meaning they will have a hard time crafting their gears.
Solutions ✔
◕ New Players Finding Party
If there was no rank missions but only the clockworks then new players wouldn't have trouble finding a party since they will all be starting from the subtowns ("Haven, Moorcroft Manor, Emberlight) or join their friends, like in the old times. This will increase the population of people accessing the arcade room per day.
◕ Mission Tab
There will still be a mission interface along with the Prestige Points, Prestige missions and Expansion Missions .
Prestige Points - Can be earned by playing from Depth 0-7, 8-17 , 18-28 in the clockworks. The higher depth you play the more prestige points you get. Boss runs earns more prestige points. Everyday there will be 4 Clockwork Gates: Firestorm Citadel gate, Jelly King/Romulus Gate (boss swaps per day), Snarbolax gate and a standard clockwork gate including danger rooms. Mini Bosses can only be played from randomized floors (Treasure Vault, Graveyard and etc).
Prestige Missions (Danger Missions) - Can be played by putting a certain amount of minerals into the danger mission gate you want to play, everyone needs to contribute to open the gate. When the gate is opened the gate will be open for 1 day, other gates can still be opened at the same time. Different mineral colors opens different danger missions gates. The amount of mineral to open a certain danger room gate will not be a lot, but still requires everybody to contribute. Unless you save a lot of minerals and open the gate by yourself!
Expansion Missions - Expansion Mission will always be available for people who have purchased the expansion, you have the rights to play it whenever you want.
I believe these solutions can help SK become a better game where people will go to the arcade room and new players achieving a better starting game experience.
Please share you opinions, Thank You.
Man, I wonder what this would look like if you'd been here for the introduction of the AH / weapon binding on upgrade.
The game changes. Sometimes the way we interact with it changes as a result.