It's Time for My Own Rant
Lots of people have something (in SK) that they are passionate about. Be it merchanting, Lockdown, their guild, or wanting the core to open, it doesn't matter specifically, but we all have something whether we realize it or not. It's why some of us keep playing.
No, this isn't a thread saying I'm going to quit over some petty little thing. No, I'm not trying to make anyone do anything differently (trolls will be trolls). But I am making this to have a discussion, in hopes it will make you think twice, and to air my own recent rage. (I have found most of your complaints to be silly, and likewise I expect many of YOU to think THIS is silly and pointless.)
Accessories come in varieties and rarity. Some even are in limited number. But we all know (or should or at least will soon) that once an accessory is removed, it is then destroyed. There is no unbind fee in order to sell it or put it elsewhere. Once it's gone... it's gone. Now we all change our minds. We decide we like this but then later like something better so we change (our accessory/costume). It's not a big deal, right? Perhaps not, rich or poor. But the following is primarily directed to the rich, except in the case the poor get a lucky lockbox opened.
Yep, I changed colors and that style of flower doesn't fit quite well as it used to, so I'ma get a new one. But wait. Wasn't that flower divine? Yeah, it was, but I like the volcanic one for my new color. And you know what? I decided I just don't like these prismatic vertical vents and I want to try that new laurel instead. I didn't like those vents on that helm anyway. Oh yeah, I've got my eye on that arcane halo too. Gonna take off that summer crown for it. And I just can't make up my mind if I want to be extra short or extra tall, so I've got a dozen or so of those apiece.
Whereas the above may be exaggrated, the point is changing on a whim. Some may be rich enough to do it, others not, but when it comes down to something that is rare or in limited supply, that's when it gets downright aggrivating. Omg, you won those prism vents that I would have got if I wasn't 5 seconds late to the AH! *Rages and spends remaining crowns on random overpriced junk then finds out that you took the vents off two weeks later.* So what if those prismatic vertical vents had been a reoccurring item on the featured auction list? One may feel justified in taking the item off, knowing it will be there again soon and no one would miss it and there is still plenty more for others. Okay, so do you rich like to taunt everyone (either directly or in your own mind) and show off your massive wealth by throwing that twilight aura away as if it were nothing? If so, you are included in the group of trolls I mentioned from the start. If not, I only ask you to think twice. And if it is something in limited supply, then I only hope you won't destroy it. I certianly hope I don't have to point out that replacing prismatic mech'tennas with dusky ones would be just... wrong.
-For those complainers that want to complain about my complaining: I didn't make you read any portion of this.
-For those who think accessories are a waste of time and it's all about the UVs and gear: To each their own.
-For those who think this is all absurd: Costumes and accessories are my passion in the game and I won't be judging your own passion.
I agree for everything, it's like destroying a one of a kind masterpiece. Unfortunately, they bought it fair and square, so they can do whatever they want with it.