Personally, I think that the "zombies" in the game look more like skeletons. "Zombie":
Just the papayas way of looking at things, maybe its just me, or maybe it really is like that..............
Do They Truly Deserve the title "Zombie"?

Yes! Because real zombies eat your face while these things just jump at you face-first. Not the same thing! They surely deserve a demotion from zombie squad.

I'm not gonna look at that link Darkbrady, every time I look at hyperlinks they are always scary ones XD
@Dr-Storm Mummies too i guess...............

It's all about your definition of the word "zombie". A zombie could possibly be just an undead form of a dead person then it's fine because if the full body of the "person" then it could have just decomposed into a skeleton.

I always called them skeletons until someone told me they were zombies.

If they are plain skeletons, Why do they wear pants? They do have some meat to cover.

Nah Papaya, just a link to another thread where I complain about our "zombies" lack of zombie features :)

Yes, presumably, they are. Zombies are corpses that have been re-animated by some means. That brain eating, rotting, derpy eyed image comes from countless bad movies.

Skeletons or zombies, neither of them are pleasant XD Well.............exo-skeletons are fine :P

I don't recall the classic Romero zombies being skeletons, but zombie rules have evolved over time, so that it's not just the "recently deceased" that come back.
In a lot of 1980's and 1990's depictions, they would dig their way out of graves in whatever condition they were in. I specifically remember there being a skeleton zombie in Return of the Living Dead, which broke the traditional rules (zombies eat brains instead of just flesh, they speak ["BRAINS !!!], and a blow to the head won't be enough to kill them).
So while most modern zombie depictions follow the Romero rules closely (with the exception of running zombies), there have been plenty of instances in the past (before the recent mainstream zombie boom) where zombies strayed from those rules.

Skeletons are fully-decomposed-but-their-bones zombies, technically. So being a skeleton implies being a zombie too.
Speaking of which:

I think I saw Shoebox mention at some point that earlier in the game's development, the zombies looked considerably more zombie-like and grotesque.
I imagine they were changed for the kids.

Slags are just the Fire-themed ones. Furthermore, there are Slag Walkers and Slag Guards, so "Slags" is an ambiguous descriptor. Call them Zombies.
...actually now that you said it...they're actually close to mummies rather than those two :P