I do a video game review show on youtube and we're thinking about reviewing Spiral Knights. Any thoughts/interest?
Spiral Knights Review
Please do not merely focus on the beginning-game content. That's a problem I have with a lot of MMO review things. They don't ever test the mid-to-end-game content and make a half-[appled] review based off that. So... there's that. :P
I'm not at end game, we're still pretty new. I've been playing the game for quite a while and done everything (bar 2 of the shadow lairs) where as my partner played it a little and hasn't in a while, so we can get perspectives from both ends of the spectrum. Also because he hasn't played in a while we can also talk about how the game has changed over time. Hope this puts some minds at ease
Although I won't be surprised if your friend will get tired of trying to reach t3 or even complaining about the energy thing. Just saying.
Can't wait to see the review though, when you'll be uploading it? What channel, by the way?
We've got a couple of games we need to do first but it's gonna be coming up as soon as we can.
I'll post in the forums when it's up/the facebook group, but if you wanna check out our channel we're ThoseBackSeatGamers
standard youtube request; likes, shares, comments are really appreciated, especially at this stage where we can probably individually thank all of our viewers
Are you at endgame?
Have you've tried most, if not all(if you have OCH, and Tried all SL), content?