"The Dark Harvest Festival is now being celebrated in Haven and will end on November 1st!" <- Thats what Nick said :o
And now lets check what date is right now
Ooooh!2 November!Spooky haven is gone!Oooooh!And PK on arcade,Maskwell,and Bulky is still there!:o
They managed to survive the GM assault to remove everything halloween!:O
Maskwell,Bulky and PK survived from the halloween cleaning assault!
Fri, 11/02/2012 - 07:46
Fri, 11/02/2012 - 11:32
are punkin lairs still
are punkin lairs still available in the arcade?
They're probably only going to be here a few days like last year, Just incase someone wants to buy a few more candies and boxes with their leftover candy.