Ahem, I thought it be time to release my personal thoughts on the energy system. In a way, I have to condemn alot of the whiners, because all you want is free stuff, you want handouts. Naturally free to everyone is good, especially if its crucial to living, or to a specific variable to the environment your are in. In this case, energy in Spiral Knights. However, you need to think of it this way, no matter how free it is, or what it is, it comes at the cost to someone else, so in the real world, someone else is paying for the free item, no matter what the shape or form that cost may be. Here, it is server maintenance, paying people to do their jobs, blah blah blah. In a sense, nothing is free. CE in the market has been bought by someone with real money, and that real money is used to run this game. SO this world you live and thrive in, Spiral Knights is a business model in a professional stance. Its here to entertain, and make money. Preferably the latter. So while you are complaining about the high price of CE, think of this. Its only a few couple dollars to buy the lowest energy package, and sufficient enough to craft up to a 5 star weapon with mist, or buy a key for a box, or buy even a weapon/trinket set. And those few dollars add up. There are approximately 3.2 million people playing Spiral knights right now, and if each paid for the lowest package, that is 9.6 million dollars in profit, rounded up. All it takes is to give a couple dollars to the system, and you might be surprised what they might give us in exchange for 9.6 million dollars. o.O All in all, its only $2.49 in US currency for the lowest package. Also another thought to chew on, Since there been so many promos lately, is it a business move due to moving up, or moving down? Are we giving enough to our favorite MMO? Support Spiral Knights if you can.
My thoughts on the energy system.

Well, to be fair, it's 3M accounts, some of them are alts.

There are over three million accounts.
Note that not all of those accounts are active or owned by different individuals. If someone new creates an account then quits because energy, they still count as one of those over three million accounts. And a lot of people do that. A more accurate population description would have to come from how many different accounts are online in a week or so since not everyone plays every single day. I doubt this count would come up over a million but I have been wrong many times before.
The energy system is fine if you play casually. If you want to grind all day then you are not enjoying the game as a casual player, meaning you are expected to pay up. Sit back and relax, this is a game. Want some liquids? I got goat blood, gasoli- wait, you want normal liquids. How about some lemonade? I promise none of it is urine. Okay, maybe a little. If you absolutely have to keep playing when your mist is out but want to conserve crystal, play minigames or something. I know the Krogmo minigames are not particularly interesting for everyone, but you probably have an idea of a minigame you would want. And you know where to put it. Or some ideas for features which do not involve using energy. I know everyone here has at least the intelligence to type words on the rectangular thing, so you probably know what you want. The problem is making that idea into something that would play nicely with the other kids in the class.
But really?
>3.2 million people playing spiral knights right
Nope. There's not so many people i here as you might possibly think. Not even a million when more 3M.
And I'm not supporting SK until they actually fix this energy limit stupidity. Which they probably never will. Or maybe until they fix the excessive grinding and add more proper content...
And just giving 2 dollars like that won't grant that the game will get any better (see SWTOR).