Hello Everyone! Unicorn Squad is recruiting! We've been operating for about a year now with only a few close-knit members but are looking to expand with the new Guild updates!
We are looking for just about anyone who is active or planning on being more active when in a guild
We run Prestige missions, Arcade, socialize, and go on any level ranked missions to help each other get to end-game where all the fun is at
Also, looking into PvP whenever the guild is ready!
Currently working on our Guild Hall and are working on our second floor! There is NO COST to being in the guild!
If you are interested in joining, send a request to Grim-Grin or Night-Kat (in-game), or post the following through the forum and we'll get back to you:
1) Your in-game name:
2) How often you play:
3) Do you enjoy PvP in Spiral Knights:
4) Why you want to join: