Except with swords only. And about 4 or 5 revives(500+ CE)... I was too happy when this finally got on my screen: http://imgur.com/aaaSx
Gear: http://imgur.com/2jqFs
Oddly, there was a graphics glitch with my energy. When I got back to haven, all was left was 26 CE. Was it worth it? Worth every drop of energy. Also got 100 energy from my alternate, since I couldn't get my last revive with out him. c:
So I defeated Vanaduke today.

Me and a friend also killed Vanduk yesterday. What to do now? All rank missions is done, does that mean we "completed" the game.
Bought crimson to play throu them, but what else is to do?
I have seen shadowlairs, but never got enough energy to buy a key. Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?
Hard question.
Financially; not in the slightest. SGWW pays the same as FSC, not including the tokens.
For the sake of a challenge/fun/something new; yes. It's completely different from regular lairs and the monsters are harder. Also, the UP is unique in the game and incredibly fun (imo) and only appears after SLs.
Also, its the only way to craft the SL armour. It is possible to buy them off of players, but due to their crafting costs and requirements, and the unbinding fee, they become pretty expensive to just buy, whereas they're not any more expensive/difficult to craft yourself once you're actually at the Sanctuary (excluding the mats).
Also, there's more to do in the game than just kill Vanaduke, such as LD, speedruns, challenge runs, building new sets or trying to find alternative uses for weapons and making combos etc, as well as playing around with otherwise UP weapons.

I had a little chicken.
It won't stop laying eggs :/
So I got-a-knife and lopped-off it's head! :D

Well, good job at defeating Vanaduke just with swords =) I couldn't do it even if my weapons did 1000 damage per hit...............I blame lag
/slap Lag
Although I didn't solo him: http://i.imgur.com/SGFKb.png
Our party was a mismatch of 4* players too. That's the 2 star cryotech.