Recently I was running FSC with a friend when the oddest thing happened to me at Vana. I was rammed through a wall by a slag guard and was unable to help out my friend.
Now I know some of you will say "pics or it didn't happen", well luckily I have this amazing magical tool known as Steam to help me out with that.
Now I am wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else, if so how? For me all I had to do is die and let the charging slag guard push me through the wall, it is just that simple. Using this glitch you are able to get behind walls on other levels to by using either a Trojan or Lumber to hit you after death, problem with doing this is that you are unable to get out unless you leave and join again.
"All I had to do to trap myself in an inescapable and uninteresting room was die and allow a giant to vandalise my corpse!"
That's all I saw. A novel glitch, but sounds like a lot of bad has to happen for it to occur~