Anyone else feel that AI shock is a little bit rediculous? Try duoing an arena with all the BS shock bats that can move and attack at the same time. And since bats can shock you through your shield for some reason, its near impossible to use less than 3 status caps in a single level. If you get shocked once, you're dead. If you rez upon shock, you just literally fall right back down dead. Not to mention those bats fill your screen with bullets, making it quite difficult to dodge.
Yeah sure you can build gear for it, but thats using an entire set of gear for one level... Which in most cases you really shouldn't do at all. With the rate of getting decent UV's, shock resist would take way too much effort to get.
Im just sick of getting shocked once at full health and not being able to do anything about dying within the 8 seconds. You get immobilized and wombo-comboed at least twice within that duration. What if no/few status caps drop? Kinda lame that you literally can get stun locked so easily.
The pros that play this game will tell you that you're a baddie and whatnot, but I agree. Tier 3 Thunderfist Arena is brutal. You can easily get chain-shocked to death right from the start.