Knights of Sweden is always recruiting swedish players who's not wanna play "one man army" but wanna join a guild to have fun and do som t1-3 runs. We dont aim for being the biggest nor the best guild. Our goal is to have fun and help eachother out in the game.
Why did we create the Guild?
Me and Jeenniee were running around in T3 killing of some mobs and having fun when we started to joke about start a guild named 'The elite guild' where only awesome players would join (wich Jeenniee wouldnt cause she died alot ;-). That idea went on for some weeks and when I one day saw Knights of Finland, from that moment Knights of Sweden were born. As a country guild.
None. We are inviting all Swedish players who wanna join our little community of players.
If you would run into any Knights of Sweden, stop for a moment and say hi. We wont bite.
ATM we are 12 players who wich most of us plays everyday. If you feel like joing us, please contact Lordtrixxy or Jeenniee. Or if you run into one of our members, just stop him/her and tell that you would like to join us.