Who I am and about the Guild:
Hello everyone, my name is Togum. I am the main Guild Master of Multiple Minds. Multiple Minds is a guild for members who want to want to help each other and have a good time. We want to be there if you need help, regardless of tier or skills. Any of the members of Multiple Minds, including myself or any of the higher ranked officials, would be glad to accompany you in a mission. Overall the Guild is for those who just want to have a good time. We are always looking for new recruits that want to have fun with friends.
What you need in order to join:
Currently Multiple Minds is just for those who want to help others and have fun. Only requirements would be staying true to the guild by doing the following:
• Activity: you have to be an active player. However if you warn us ahead of time I will understand. Those who do not are in threat of expulsion from the guild.
• Donations: our guild hall is still in the basic stages, and we want to improve it. For that to happen we need for you to donate regularly. There will be a recording of those who donated. Plans for those who donate the most often are still being negotiated among the 3 of us Gm
• Personality: meaning no bullying newer recruits, new players, or mocking people because you have better stuff. If it is to be taken as a joke, you better let the other player know that it was. We do not accept trouble makers, those who cause problems are instantly kicked from the guild (NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!)
•Tier: currently there are no rules for people of different tiers, except treat everyone and anyone as an equal.
Rank and promotions:
Here is the quick version of promotions and ranking!
Recruit: You’re in the guild, pretty straight forward from there
Member: Being a member is just as simple as being a recruit, only differences is how long you have been in the guild. Meaning you have actually done missions and stuff
Veteran: Someone who has shown hard work and remaining a true part of the guild by helping those who need help, regardless of tier level. In order to gain this rank you need to have a recommendation by either someone of Veteran rank or higher, continuation of staying helpful to those who need it, and being true to their word.
Officer: This rank is ONLY for those who are trusted enough by me or the other two GM. In order to be an Officer you have to prove it. The MAXIMUM number of Officers in the guild is set to 10. Meaning that being an officer is a privilege worth keeping and that if you can be removed from the rank if necessary for those who deserve it more. It’s a challenge at best.
Guild Master: The current Guild Masters are myself, Dar-Sar, and Scljoshua. Of us three I am the main GM. There are no ways for other knights to be a GM. It is mainly because of control issues, another GM will cause problems in the guild.
Current Ranking:
Guild Masters: Togum, Dar-Sar, and Scljoshua
Officers: Balforma, Cho-Tix, Killeropp, Nubbywubs, Pordo, and Sclbot-Mkll
Veterans: Stormduhhouse and The-Sniper
Members: Beat-Boxx, Locozi, and Spirit-Avenger
Recruits: Bladewing-Darkai, Chadthehunter, Countryrobotgal, Dragonslayerthree, Emo-Killer, Jungkar, Linkinluke, Nightdaze, and Vambo-Three
Current Allied Guilds:
These are other guild members that you will see here and there in our guild hall, permission to enter their guild halls is only allowed by them. Names of the GM(s) of the other Guilds are included.
Phantasy Knights: Jaouad
Altosk: Gilz
Information Required To Join:
- Name of Knight
- Have you been playing Spiral Knights for a long time
- What Tier are you, or you usually play?
- Are you an active player?
- Weither or not you do Arcade or Missions often
- What is your time zone? (so we know what time you may be on)
- Information about yourself, we would love to know you
For those who read the entire post, I say Thank You for your time.