I'd hate to see prices hit 4800 Crowns per 100 CE, but it's not unreasonable to expect it again. That said, what do you feel is the ideal price in Crowns for 100 CE?
I would appreciate if it stayed where it was before: 3650-3950 Crowns for 100 CE.
I'd hate to see prices hit 4800 Crowns per 100 CE, but it's not unreasonable to expect it again. That said, what do you feel is the ideal price in Crowns for 100 CE?
I would appreciate if it stayed where it was before: 3650-3950 Crowns for 100 CE.
I prefer it staying at 4k... That sounds reasonable for both sides.
A range from 3800-4400 strikes me as being okay. Above 4400, and the play-buy-play cycle gets prohibitively hard for newer free-and-trying-it-out players - even ones after a few days in - meaning that the game gets a slight trend towards serving existing players over newbies. Which, in turn, could push towards a shrinking base of players rather than a growing one.
My preference is *just* under 4K.
That's how it was for a while back in the Preview Test... (Early Stages)
and I was just fine, I had no problem.
I don't think there is a "right price" for CE in terms of crowns. The price in dollars is very fair, so I buy my CE with a credit card, earn my crowns in the dungeons, and don't interact with the market at all. I think the market is a cool feature for those who want to use it, and I think any price it settles at is fair, because the buyers and sellers are each in control of the offers they make, so if the price were to become truly unfair or unreasonable, the offers would change and the market would correct itself.
That said, I'd like to see the crowns per CE price stay low, because a lower price is an indicator of a healthy game. Low crowns per CE generally means that plenty of people are buying CE, which is the sign of a successful game and will allow the developers to invest time and resources into adding new content and improving the game.
I feel... I don't have a freakin' clue, nor care all that much. I am at a net CE <-> Cr. exchange of 0... A month in w/ 3+ days playtime, I've used ~$15 worth of CE to enter dungeons, and am in full 4* gear, plus a 5* sword and a crapload of recipes -- all bought with crowns earned in dungeons.
I don't sweat the occasional energy-rez, or whether a particular run is going to give me MAX PROFITS, and I also haven't bothered to sell a single material. Worrying about those things is a PITA and I've got better things to do with my time. (This also means my 3+ days played is almost entirely hacking stuff up in dungeons instead of sitting in /trade... I love it.)
Any exchange I've made on the market, usually buying Cr. to afford a recipe, I later trade back as soon as I can afford. This ends up making me feel like I've earned my gear (admittedly, ignoring the fact that crafting costs CE), and simply paid for my play time like a standard MMO. Honestly, I really like how it all works out in the end--much more than I expected going in to it a month ago.
I find the game almost perfectly balanced playing this way. The amount of play-time and fun I've had with $15 far outstrips most $50 games I own. Unsurprisingly, it also lines up with most MMO subscription costs.
There needs to be more Crownsinks for top tier players, or else the price will continue to rise as people's stockpiled Crowns keep growing. The more disposable income people have laying around, the higher inflation will get.
88,000 crowns
10k as long as I'm selling
4k is the perfect price becuase thats about how much you make in a t1 run or a jelly run
I feel that the Rose Regalia event didn't go so well according to the ce prices.
How do you mean? Because CE didn't flood the market and drop the price after people bought some just to get the costume pieces?
I think that is a bit much to assume, since I myself bought CE for the event, and didn't sell any of it on the market. I would assume I'm not the only one who didn't. There's no incentive NOT to stockpile CE, especially if you're not hurting for Crowns.
@ bakaman, i was thinking about that myself. However, prices did drop back down to 3800 or so for the 1st time in a while the day the event launched. So it's hard to say.
I think as long as prices stay under about 4100 it's still relatively easy to advance/progress. Once prices get above 4100 i find it tougher to play, buy energy, buy recipes, get more crowns, buy enough energy to play and use recipes to craft...@ about 4500 it becomes actually difficult. Higher than that, and it actually effects my desire to play--i.e. it seems like less fun.
Anyhow, as someone above stated, a good workout for this is to make sure you have lots of friends/a guild so u can join dungeons at floor 14--or at least skip the 1st few floor of a run.
@everyone, is there anyhow to see how many energy transactions take place on a given day/hour/etc? I sometimes wonder if energy is just flying this way and that way, being bought and sold, or if the market is standing still with just a few transactions over 10 minutes or so.
Price did drop about 100-300crowns from the previous night on the day the Rose Regalia started. That's a significant change in the market. I am surprised the change didn't last longer though.
@jeburk: I will bet that the devs can track that information, though for many reasons I doubt they would make it public. But I agree that it would be interesting to know.
I feel that 25-30 cents is about right.
Oh, wait! That's what I've been paying all along. The system works!!
Market just broke 4100... any bets on how high it'll go before it starts lowering again?
I hope not. It's gone from 3800 to 4200 in 2 days, and there are still a lot of offers -w-;;
I think it'll increase over time again until we get another CE promo item like the rose regalia.
the only way is up.
the only reason to trade CE for crowns is impatience.
you can earn CR doin a tier 2-3 run, enough to rebuy what you used, and have left over CR to either let stockpile if u repeat, or to reinvest in more CE.
CR is just a temporary need, CE is a permanent need.
Once players reach a 5* set, or a few different 5*sets, what exactly do they need crown for. But theyll always need CE.
People who pay arent just going to want to watch their CE count drop, theyll wanna replenish the supply, even if they do sell a few on the market occasionally, or theyll be paying for more just to do more runs into the clockworks.
Free players will constantly be buying CE, or having to wait on mist.
Me myself, i payed for 25k+ CE, and i have no need to convert even 1 CE to CR. I know to play, my CE count will drop, and ill be adding to it as much as possible off the market.
I dont see a reason to trade my CE for CR when i can earn it on a tier. Main reason why i think this market will fail longterm is that you cant do anything without CE, you can do everything without trading for CR
While the Promo items may work, any CE i buy during another Promo ill be keeping, any profit i get from selling the Promo item ill be investing in more CE.
Maybe i should be making a new topic asking opinions of other people who have a decent amount of CE, and how often they trade for CR, and whether they think they will lessen how much they do in the forseeable future. Just seems the only currency that is worth anything is CE.
I agree with Leviathan that CE prices will rise to a point where it will be unplayable for new players.
It's hilarious to read all the posts about "why" things are the way they are. Markets try to fix themselves, but they act more like a trampoline than anything. When the regalia set was purchased en masse, this caused a high CE supply to the market which dropped the price. This dropped price caused a high amount of nonpayers the opportunity to capture this CE for themselves, and allows them to do more levels per day, resulting in more crowns for themselves.
Eventually a valley was reached where the CE stopped getting supplied to the market (maybe people got tired of selling it for less than what they could make in T1 runs). This bounced the market above the normally seen 4000 midpoint and now reaching 4200. This price is now higher than what can be gained in T1, so some players are putting their CE on market, which is trying to force it back down, but it's just not fast enough. When the nonpayers are finished using up all their CE that they can afford from previously, the price will eventually fall back to normal (unless 3R decides to have another event which would cause more supply). There are a lot of other unseen market forces that I'm not going to explain (other threads have explained it), but it boils down to the ability for nonpayers to play, versus the payers to supply.
I personally feel that people shouldn't spend more than an hour or 2 on their computers a day....so the 100 ME you get per day should be sufficient for you. The price of CE should be at 88,000 crowns (22 hrs * 4,000 = 88,000) in my opinion because crowns are worthless, while CE has worth. This, to me, should mean that purchasing a days "worth" of play time (as I said, an hour or 2 a day should be your limit anyway), than it should cost you a days equivalent gain in crowns. Can't afford it? Go outside, go to the park, play poker/basketball/kickball with your friends, get a life.
I personally feel that people shouldn't spend more than an hour or 2 on their computers a day....so the 100 ME you get per day should be sufficient for you. The price of CE should be at 88,000 crowns (22 hrs * 4,000 = 88,000) in my opinion because crowns are worthless, while CE has worth. This, to me, should mean that purchasing a days "worth" of play time (as I said, an hour or 2 a day should be your limit anyway), than it should cost you a days equivalent gain in crowns. Can't afford it? Go outside, go to the park, play poker/basketball/kickball with your friends, get a life.
Just coming into this thread to say that I actually laughed at this. You should be a comedian.
And to provide some sort of contribution, the 4k range for CE has been quite comfortable. It's been hovering there for quite a while, so the market seems content with it aswell.
> "Just coming into this thread to say that I actually laughed at this. You should be a comedian."
lol, thanks, I actually did that on purpose. I just get tired of _some_ people around here spouting how things should be different JUST so that nonpayers can get a break, without recognizing that you are buying CE from the paid players, and without them, this game wouldn't exist.
The price will settle where it's supposed to. This has been brought up in countless energy threads before, but here it is again:
Let's say 100CE costs 10000 crowns. Then I know that I can spend $2.45 for 750CE, sell that off for 75000 crowns, and have a field day buying up some of those high-end recipes I've been eyeing. I won't be the only person to notice this, and in fact there will probably be a good handful of players who will want to capitalize on this mega-high price and maybe even buy $10 or $50 worth of energy and sell it off. (At this price, $50 of CE would net you 2,000,000 crowns. How many Divine Avengers do you need?). This will flood the market and drive down the price.
Obviously it would be nice if there were some more crown sinks in the game, and the Suggestions forum is packed with ideas for them. (Best I've seen so far is having a vendor be able to change people's name or colour for a crown fee). But ultimately I think we're at the whim of economics, and that's not a bad thing.
With this being the 962nd energy thread, I think we should just conclude that the devs aren't morons and they won't allow their own game to be unplayable, will do what they can to gain and retain as many players as possible. Have a little faith y'all.
Come on guys, 4k is just way too cheap and you know it. 6k is totally the fair price. I'm a non paying player and I'm struggling with buying CE from the market as it's increasing more and more the last few days. But I won't complain because deep down I know the current CE is still undervalued. My advice to everyone is to just save and hog as much CE as you can. Trade all your crowns reserve for CE. Because by the end of this month, The CE price will reach 6k. Then you can resell it for more crowns.
The crown cost of CE will continue to inflate as more people reach t3 (and T3 remains the "highest" tier).
Right now, with prices @ around 4200 cr, I can do a T2 run (without purchasing any recipes) and end up with a 2k+ profit (items not included) after buying 100 ce.
It's a slow climb, especially without interacting with the market (which, honestly, is full of scams and not very newbie-friendly).
I guess I'll just keep grinding Jelly King and hoping for avenger-UV procs. Haha.
Regardless of CE prices, the game will never be "unplayable." You'll always have your mist energy regen. It will just take substantially longer to afford the crowns to craft, purchase CE for crafting, and progress. Honestly, without the wiki, this game would be very intimidating to a new player who would probably waste (as I did) ce and crowns on dead-end recipes, or choose resistances that won't help substantially (piercing, anyone?). But if you have the least motivation, it's not a difficult game to figure out using the wiki.
Except gate creation. Is it even possible to create a custom gate with the Autosell feature enabled? And, on that note, is it even worth bothering?
one important reason for crowns being so useless for advanced players is that nobody uses the mineral price boost feature. Devs seem to have overestimated people's will to control gate creation, or maybe creation system should be improved.
The issue with player-controlled content is that it will be modified if it makes for a bad playing experience. I know that if the gates turn out terrible, the devs won't be all like "tough you guys had your chance" and let them stay that way for players to get pissed at. They will change them with "alloys" in order to make them more playable to keep us all happy. So you're only going to drop the crowns on gates if you reeeeaaaalllyyyy want a certain level to be a certain way and you're sure it will turn out that way after your investment. And if you're that involved in the game, you could probably just persuade your guild to strategically dump minerals in your favour and not waste the crowns.
So, yes, creation system is broke.
I think simple cosmetic crown sinks, like the ones already mentioned, would be a good start. Anything would be a good start, really.
I estimate 100 CE = 6k cr
lol I'd love them to stay where they are but I honestly don't care as long as its still buyable. And what with me doing lots of jelly runs starting at D14 or later, I'm set 8D
Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy this period by buying useless recipes~