Theoretically, if you had a guild with members consisting of only your main and your alts, couldn't it be used as a method to easily transfer gear back and forth among your characters? Or would it work if you were to open two clients while your guild is empty, and move them in front of the Console for a quicker transfer? This seems like it removes some of the old binding issues; I'm assuming it still counts as a bound item after transfer?
About Guild Storage....
Mon, 02/04/2013 - 01:19
Mon, 02/04/2013 - 01:36
You must be imagining things, as far as I tested bound items are a no-no on guild storage. Unless you pay the unbind fee you can't trade them with anyone except for npc vendors (actually you sell it to them, but I guess it counts as a trade... for money).
Mon, 02/04/2013 - 01:40
Oops, I see, I didn't know about deposting bound items. How do you get rid of the title in a post?
You could use guild storage to trade between characters if you don't have both clients open and don't want to pay the 100cr mailing fee.
If you do open two clients at once, it's more efficient to just trade, since trading has a 15? slot limit, while guild storage can only transfer 5 at a time.
Also, items cannot be put into the guild storage if they are bound or untradeable.