Entry Thread - Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights NPC! Category 2

Knight Name: Miat
Link to entry: This is an 800 word short story with a few pictures. =)
Prize preference: Mewkat please =)

Knight Name: Cookiebatter
Prize Preference: Mewkat
The residents of the Warfare Workshop turned indifferent eyes (or, in certain cases, indifferent slimy orientating tendrils) to the quadripedal robot scuttling to the floor's elevator. It bore a pink letter on its back, which was in danger of falling off as a result of its bearer's jitters. Even with its relatively primitive programming, the little Surgebot was conscious that very few of its kind had ever had such a prestigious task.
The elevator engaged. It played a loop of Strauss's "Also Sprach Zarathustra" to conceal its damning clinks and clunks of disrepair. And in time, it came to a halt.
Having skittered to the main hall, the Surgebot found its masters immersed in one of their world-renowned staring contests. They acknowledged their vassal's presence with nothing more than a growl and a flare of their electric-blue nostrils.
"This came in the post just now, my masters," the Surgebot said in its flat squeaky voice. "I would be eager to read it to you if it would give you a non-negligible amount of pleasure, my masters."
The left Roarmulus puppy barked, and both swiveled their massive heads to face the messenger, now openly interested.
The Surgebot scanned over the girly handwriting, with its dotted i's and bubbly o's, and recited:
"Roses are red,
Bechamel is white sauce,
We should be wed,
You're the easiest boss."
The doggerel was very well-received, as indicated by the gunpuppies' appreciative whining noises... which, however, soon devolved into questioning grunts.
"I have indeed spotted and confirmed that the letter has a subject of address, my masters," the Construct replied enthusiastically. "It says here -- 'From: Cookiebatter. To: One Roarmulus Twin. The pretty one.' My masters."
To this day, no-one is quite certain what happened on that fourteenth of February, 2013. Urban legends circulate among the knights, saying that one of the Twins showed up battered and scorched, with only half of its health left, while the other one had transformed into an enormous Love Puppy.
Cookiebatter always pricks up her ears at this line of questioning.
She mumbles -- quite unconvincingly -- that she's a cat person.
She takes a long sip from her Mug of Misery.
Knight Name: Magmanotar
Prize Preference: Mewkat
Entry: Ballad of Echo (The Striker Knight)
"With his Skolver Cap and His Skolver Coat,
He keeps all of our spirits afloat!
He's the brilliant, handsome, best knight,
He'll protect Haven from the creatures of night!
He's Echo, The Striker Knight!
Be mine, Echo!
knight name: Organdale
A soft rustle in the grass.
My heart is pounding, pounding, pounding
My flourish in my hand
Sparks running down my face
I step forward,
I step forward
I fall back,
A furry creature licks my face
Its moves with a curious grace
As we dance the tango
My rusty heart begins to beat
as the glowing embers spin
My sword tip is filled with heat
and I grin
to the tango.
As the moon rises,
we watch the foreign sky.
Both of us lost,
both of us lost on this strange world.
A furry ball to my right,
looks on with total delight
as we rest in this golden light
A growl stirs me from my slumber
and causes me to stutter
A tree like creature
swings down hard,
Those sad eyes,
as he bursts into embers.
with a fury I strike,
Heat spilling from the wounds in my armor,
the tree splinters against my pike.
It dissapates
I look mournfully at the bones in my hand
My wolver friend.
Happy valentines day to my one and only wolver friend. May the winds of fate guide your passage through the doors of death and into the new world. I wear your pelt in honor my friend.
*from the log of Organdale.
Prize preference: Mewkat

Knight Name: Toastnaut
Sonnet for an Unnamed NPC
Accompanying photo-montage: Clicky
Among my travels through the depths, I’ve met
So many knights, some boastful, cruel, or kind
If more could learn to see examples set
By you, who has left not one knight behind
Although they fled or froze in place and shook
When beasts came from the darkness unforseen
And now the camp’s secure and safe to look
Out for the help of stronger knights so keen
To prove their valor and come to your aid
But most just seek prestige, or a reward
More anxious for a gremlin fort to raid
I’d never say that rescues make me bored
A chance to check and make sure you are fine
And ask you: “Will you be my valentine?”
Prize preference: A Love Puppy would be lovely!

Here is my valentine to the Black Kats. They have been the object of a lot of hatred lately with this new event going on and they deserve some love. I think the whole incident with the Moorcraft Archives is just a misunderstanding. The Kats just have a voracious hunger for knowledge and a great story but they don't quite understand how books work. They just need someone to teach them how to read. Hence, my illustration of me - Korhl - having storytime with a Black Kat in a quiet corner of Candlestick Keep.
Hope you guys enjoy and remember, Don't fight Kats, Fight Illiteracy! Peace through Education!
This is an entry for the "Knock Yourself Out" category.
My in game name is Korhl.
I am interested in the elevator pass prize.
I also do custom character portraits if anyone is interested. Check out my etsy page or message me in game.
knight name: jishyhh
Link to entry page: http://jishyhh.deviantart.com/art/Image-354144787?ga_submit_new=10%253A1...
Price preference: Elevator pass

Knight Name: Zopyros
Entry: http://pixelhat.tumblr.com/post/43051171391/spiral-valentines
Prize Preference: Love Puppy! :D

Dear Kozma,
From the day I met you, I knew it was love at first sight. Those twinkling eyes...your sparkling attitude! I knew you were mine. And from that day, I tried to get your attention. Remember that cake I had Biscotti make for me? Of course, I had sent it anonymously...I hope you liked it! Blaze pepper and rocky core cakes are my favorite! And when you were talking to your friends the other day, I made sure to trip you, so I could lend you my hand to pick you up. I don’t understand why your friends were laughing at me and why you refused my hand, though. Perhaps I was wearing the wrong cologne… Heh, I still fondly treasure the time when I accidentally joined your solo party in the Clockworks. I was awed at the way you slaughtered wolvers, left and right. I laughed. After all, you can’t slaughter without laughter!
Right now, while I am writing this letter, it is near midnight. In only one hour, Cradle will start a new day. And guess what day that is? Valentine’s Day! I’ve never had a valentine…I guess it is because I have always been too shy to ask someone. Lately, I’ve been thinking… if I don’t have the nerve to ask you this year, I never will. So, I ask you now...
Will you be my Valentine?
Tommorow, I will be thinking fondly of you, waiting for your response.
Knight name: Shadownox
Prize Preference: Love Aura
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! <3

Knight Name: Royal-Night
Link to Entry: My Website
Prize Preference: 30-Day Elevator pass
Excerpt from site:
Love to a Scuttlebot
Scuttlebot, oh, scuttlebot,
Thy structure is quaint.
Thou art beautifully ornate,
Creator of thee, dexterously wrought.
~ Royal-Night
A bit late, barely missing the deadline.

Knight Name: Twelvepm
Link to entry image: http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/8486/valentinesdaym.png
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Hmm, according to the Pacific Standard Time it is still 11:54 PM. I hope I'm not too late.
Nevertheless, Happy Valentines!
Knight Name: Clawsword
Link to entry image: http://youtu.be/8zEsBsDYr1w
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass