Can somebody explain to me the differences in how the game handles these two concepts? What type of attack does defense defend against? Specifically elemental. And what about status resist? If a unit does elemental damage does status resist help with that? If a gun puppy does shock damage does elemental defense help with that?
How do UVs for +status interact with status resist already on gear? For example a skolver coat with medium frost resist. How many bars do you need to have max frost resist and how many "bars" does a UV level of frost resist provide?
Thanks for anybody who can help me out with this!
There are four damage categories.
Normal, Piercing, Elemental, Shadow.
There is no "fire" damage, no "ice" damage, no "electric" damage. These are all considered to be Elemental-category attacks.
That is, a fire-based attack will deal Elemental-category damage and possibly inflict the Fire status effect; ice is an Elemental attack with a Freeze effect.
Every "element" deals the same type of damage. Except Shadow, that's its own damage category.
Elemental defense reduces damage from all Elemental-category attacks.
Status resistances reduce the effects and duration of the associated status effect. For example, resistance to Fire will make the Fire status hurt less and expire earlier; resistance to Stun means you won't be slowed down as much, and so forth.