These seem pretty absurd, with quicksilvers healing themselves and then haring off to who knows where until one of them decides to break your shield and then shock-stun you out of all of your health. Is there are particular strategy or weapon loadout that makes this less absurd?
Dealing with tier 3 quicksilver danger rooms?
The only thing that has worked for me thus far is to stand in the middle then use a sword to knock them back in cardinal directions, that way they don't go over the shocking plates. The usual arena method of kiting around the edges will result in death since it leads the quicksilvers right over the plates. Fortunately, they don't seem to have the wherewithal to seek out the plates themselves, so keep their aggro on you and stay in the middle.
If a quicksilver is already activated, freezing them won't help as they become immune. But I guess you could freeze them prior to activation to keep them away from the shocking plates.
The shock plates do not activate them, but the quicksilvers in tier 3 (and danger rooms in the second half of tier 2) can shock themselves.
ALT-F4 has worked pretty well for me.
Do what I did, and stop doing danger rooms in shock strata. That's in addition to fire, of course.
Yeah, avoiding danger rooms in shock stages is your best bet. Shock is just ridiculous, even without quicksilvers.
I'm pretty sure T3 quicksilvers self-shock. At least the ones I get in danger rooms do (I've seen it happen it T2 danger rooms as well, in shock stages). Where you stand matters not.
But hit em with a Shock Vial.
Yes, I mean it, set em into overdrive.
I did this on accident one time when I was reaching for a health pill. The three Quicksilvers I shocked went nuts, KILLED EVERY MONSTER in the room except one, including each other. I had to pop a health pill to stay alive, but in the end there was only 1 Quicksilver left, and that was much easier to deal with.
Quick Silver Shock Overdrive hurts enemies and allies alike.
That is a hilariously awesome strategy. As a group it'd probably be best to cluster in a corner or something to reduce the likelyhood of the slimes hitting you...
That's freaking Genius! My only issue is when all the enemies are quicksilver, they shock each other and heal each other rather than damage.
I get in the corner and shield and wait for them to kill themselves. Quicksilver danger rooms are the easiest for me. The bugged danger room with flaming wolves and gremlins where the wolves don't count for waves and stack up to like 30 wolves in the last wave and just regular wolves that block kiting and menders that never die are much more of an annoyance to me.
That's the thing. Only the shocking heals each other from what I can tell. Whenever they bodyslam one another, and both are shocked, they take the physical damage they normally do. They will kill each other rather quickly.
The down side with that tactic is more than likely you would die. Hide in the corner, guard up, and pray.
eek5, have you considered leaving one gremlin alive and then killing all of the remaining wolvers? Also menders always spawn in the north in the square danger room and in the west in the brambles danger room, so you can kill them at the very start of the wave without issue.
Do quicksilvers really kill each other? I have only done one t3 quicksilver danger room, and did see them killing some other jellies, but it seemed like they would shock each other which caused them to heal.
Hmm. Modified "strategy" suggestion: all party members but one suicide (or fight normally while one remains defensive), the remaining party member revive one but he does not attack to actually revive yet, the remaining party member does as much as he can then the knight with the pending revive waits as long as practical before reviving. I have no idea whether this would actually work. Even having to consider it should show that quicksilver danger rooms are broken.
Slight issue with the self suicide idea. If you are dead for long enough the game boots you back to Haven.
If I've died even once in an entire tier, I call it failure.
I was under the impression they were invulnerable whilst activated? I've seen quicksilvers destroy other mobs, but never themselves, however it seems like the sort of trickery this game would employ.
@Gwen they stop attacking when you're dead anyway.
They heal periodically while they spaz out. T3 Quicksilvers do just about everything but teabag your singed corpse.
In my scenario, after all the Quicksilvers were done rampaging, there was one left. There were at least 6 to begin with, and I only shocked three...
Might have been hallucinating, but it was still funny to watch the giant lichen colony get vaporized.
I did a bottom-of-T2 shock stratum danger room with quicksilvers acting like T3 quicksilvers, and found the following:
Quicksilvers don't kill each other, they kill everything else though.
If you hide in the corner and shield up, they break your shield. Once you're shocked, you'll have trouble keeping your shield up even after it heals so, that's the end.
You can't kite fast enough to outrun an energized quicksilver.
They -do- make a pretty obvious signal when about to shock themselves, so if you have an interrupt weapon you can stop them.
If you're dead, they all settle down and won't shock themselves - even if they did kill themselves (which they don't seem to do), they won't stay energized while you're out of the fight.
I was unable to find a winning strategy, but kiting and turning with calibur attacks and kiting with a gun both had better longevity than shielding up in the corner. Maybe someone really good at timing shield bouncing would do better with shielding up in the corner.
Shock danger rooms aren't bad if it's a few quicksilvers and mostly other slimes, but when quicksilvers are the main theme... eww.
Kiting with a freezing bomb might work, that'd take many of them out of action.
(Cantus: Your quicksilvers that killed each other- did they know how to shock themselves as a power up? It may be that healing-by-shock is a power gained deeper down than where you were... and/or in shock strata. They do seem to gain T3 powers in T2 in some cases.)
It was in the new Golden Wyvern Gate (I think, the shiny new one). I got a danger room and went "Eh, why not."
They did know how to shock themselves (they did on the later wave), but I shocked em first on accident with a vial. After that wave, I stepped into the shock trap and then touched another one in the second wave. That one more of them lived however. I'm thinking that in the first wave I whacked them a little with my DA first.
"Kiting with a freezing bomb" doesn't work, they usually just rush trough without getting frozen and go after the one who's wielding the bomb. Also it sometimes looks, as if their self-shock breaks the freeze - not sure about that though, usually happens to fast ;)
Nitronome with max. CTR theoretically does the job, if your timing is right and you're lucky: They keep running at you and bouncing back / taking damage without hitting anything. But one hit is enough to break your rhythm and kill the team, unless everyone else is quick & lucky enough to get you back into a good position... might work better with some training. I'd say 4 players are recommended: bomber doesn't have time to resurrect anyone, neither does the one bouncing stray / badly timed quicksilvers away from the centre.
Most of the time when I play I'm playing solo and mostly bomb only. If I have a sword, it likely is chosen for its strengths for the gate I'm at which means it is most likely an elemental sword for clockwork tunnel levels and not a shadow sword for gremlins. Targeting one evasive unit is difficult enough with a bomb when they aren't putting up invincibility bubbles lol. Specifically targeting menders is something I do, do by freezing the main pack and going after the mender but it doesn't always work and it's much harder to pull off than something like sitting in the corner and waiting for everything to kill themselves. As for the bugged wolver room, I would agree with you it was designed like that and you were trying to control waves but it is a bug and you shouldn't have to do a workaround to prevent all the waves from combining like that.
@Eek5 I find that to be part of the challenge, kill the wolvers/lichen first.
@Senshi, that's consistent with my observations, assuming that's the truth, back to square one, Quicksilvers being the secret end boss of the game.
I do what ufna says-- if you have a CTR Nitronome you can just stand in one place and spam bombs-- Quicksilvers tend to want to get into melee range before they self-shock.
Note: It's very possible to spam nitronomes without a CTR and have it quick enough, as long as it's level 10. But your rhythm has to be near-perfect or else you'll fall behind. :\
@ Senshi: Danger rooms spawn monsters of a level that would be in the next strata. So say you get an arena at floor 16 (strata 4, tier 2), you'll spawn monsters as if they were from strata 5, or tier 3. That's why they can gain "Extra powers" in earlier tiers.
I partially remember trying to use Venom Veiler to stop their healing, but when they self-shocked it not only healed them, but cured all status effects. Kiting around with Ash of Agni seemed to work well though-- staying too far for them to initiate any attack method.
just a little conclusion
+shock with vial(/gun?)
+kite with ash of agni
+spam nitro with perfect timing and luck
+interrupt their self shock while theyre in normal state(e.g. with quick sword attacks)
-go solo
-hide in corner :x
id love to know if gravi or stun vial or anything at all can stand up against the shock state, feel free to test-and-report, if u end up in a room
also curious about curse on them
"ALT-F4 has worked pretty well for me."
I laughed so hard at this
Stand in the middle, spam nitronome, pray.
Also good teamwork might work (especially if several members of the team can freeze mobs), but I've never seen that happen after quicksilvers on speed get involved.