In the next few weeks I'm going to have an obscene amount of time spare, so I've decided to host an event to give back to the community that has done so much for me! As you've probably guessed from the title, the event will be a fashion contest! There won't be too many restrictions on what you can and can't use, and I'm going to try and avoid making these posts to wordy.
- Anyone can enter!
- Each knight may only enter up to 3 costumes per category
General information about the contest:
- It's free to join! No entry fee needs to be paid to enter this contest.
- There will be two judges: Me, and one other person. I have yet to select the second judge. Please don't mail me or post here about it.
- There will be 3 different categories that you can enter:
- Open
- Promo Reskins
- Ugliest Costume!
There are no restrictions for this category! Your goal is to create the most aesthetically pleasing and creative costume you can. You can wear whatever you want, and you will be judged on Creativity and How it Looks
The only restrictions for this category is that at least 75% of the items that you are wearing must be from one of the 4 reskin promotional boxes (Hunter, Surge, Hallow and Frosty (no things from winterfest boxes don't count)). Weapons and shields don't count towards the percentage. The percentage will be calculated taking into account the helmet, armour, and the accessories on each. This can be confusing, so I'll give an example: You're wearing a surge hood and a snarbolax coat, and you have a hacked aura and surge crest attached. The total amount of items equipped is 4, and 3 of them are from reskin promotion boxes, so you qualify for this category. Your goal is to create the most aesthetically pleasing costume that follows the listed guidelines, and you will be judged on How it looks and Creativity
You can wear whatever you want, but unlike the other two categories, your goal is to create the ugliest, costume you can think of! You will be judged on Creativity and How bad it looks
How Judging will work:
First of all, there will be two different ways that we will judge entries, based on the criteria listed above:
- In-Game Judging
- Out-of-Game Judging
- One screenshot must be from a front view, and one from a rear view. The last screnshot can be from any perspective you choose
- You must take the screenshot in a place that allows the judges to verify that you aren't using the preview function of the Auction House to enter a costume that you don't fully own. The training halls are a good place to take your screenshots.
- You should take screenshots from the character-view window (The interface that opens when you click the horse button in the top-right of the screen)
- You must include your knight's name in the post that contains links to the screenshots
- The deadline for screenshot submissions is 12pm CST on Sunday the 7th of April. Posts made after that time will not be entered into judging
There will be two 1-hour sessions of in-game judging. These will be held at 7pm CST (UTC -6) on Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th of April. Judging during these periods will be split into 20 3-minute sessions. During these sessions you will have a chance to show off you costumes to the Judges. The 3-Minute sessions will be held in a mission lobby, so Weapons and Shields may be used in your costumes! You will receive a party invite when it is your turn to be judged. The slots that are available for the in-game judging will be later on in this post.
Can't make it to any of the in-game judging sessions? All the slots taken? Missed your slot? Don't worry, you can still enter! All you need to do is take a screenshot of the costumes you want to enter on this thread. You can post up to 3 screnshots per costume per category, and there are some guidelines that you need to follow for these screenshots:
The winners will be announced on this thread once all entries have been judged. Depending on how many submissions we receive on this thread, it may take a while. Please be patient.
The Prizes
This is the bit that I know most of you will have been waiting for - What you can win! The prizes for the winners of each category are the same.
- The highest scoring knight in each category will receive a prize of 60,000 crowns!
- The second-highest scoring knight in each category will receive a prize of 30,000 crowns!
- The third-highest scoring knight in each category will receive 20,000 crowns!
If you get the urge to donate some of your hard-earned crowns to the prizes, both I and the contestants would be grateful, and your name will be given a place of honour in this thread. Mail Troupemaster in-game if you're interested in donating.
You can use this thread to post questions, submit screenshot-entries and reserve time slots for In-Game judging.
Here are the available time slots for in-game judging.
Saturday the 6th of April:
7:00 - Zaderules - Open, Reskin Categories - No Show
7:03 - Boodo - Open Category - Scored!
7:06 - Cestinxmono - Open, Reskin Categories - Scored!
7:09 - Empty
7:12 - Empty
7:15 - Empty
7:18 - Empty
7:21 - Empty
7:24 - Empty
7:27 - Empty
7:30 - Jwake - Open, Reskin categories - Scored!
7:33 - Empty
7:36 - Empty
7:39 - Empty
7:42 - Kagisnad - Open, Ugliest categories - No Show
7:45 - Empty
7:48 - Wolf-Sin - Open, Reskin and Ugliest Categories - No show
7:51 - Sciger - Open, Reskin and Ugliest Categories - No show
7:54 - Rdzknightz - Open Category - No show
7:57 - Xairathan - No show
Sunday the 7th of April:
7:00 - Mawashimono - Open, Reskin categories - No Show
7:03 - Empty
7:06 - Empty
7:09 - Empty
7:12 - Empty
7:15 - Empty
7:18 - Empty
7:21 - Empty
7:24 - Empty
7:27 - Empty
7:30 - Nues - Open Category - No Show
7:33 - Empty
7:36 - Empty
7:39 - Empty
7:42 - Empty
7:45 - Empty
7:48 - Empty
7:51 - Empty
7:54 - Empty
7:57 - Erewgfewg - Open category - Scored!
In game judging is now over!