I am starting a weekly Vanaduke speed running competition, there is a reward of 100,000 crowns, an entry fee of 5,000 crowns per team. It will be held every Sunday at 17:00 Pacific Time. If +40 people sign up, I will double the prize to 200,000 crowns!
Refunds will be available any day EXCEPT the day of the race.
Send a mail message to "Game-And-Watch" containing 5,000 crowns. Whoever sends the message is the "Representative" of the team
Send a friend request to "Game-And-Watch" for monitoring purposes, you will be de-friend-ed after each competition, ONLY THE REPRESENTATIVE SHOULD SEND ME THE FRIEND REQUEST
You may register any day before race day
Only the Representative must stay in the same game, any change in team(members coming and going) if OK as long as the Representative doesn't leave
If you attempt to jump between Vanaduke runs to save time, you will be disqualified and permanently BANNED, however,
if you tell me that you are dropping out before you switch, you will not be banned
If you start before 17:00, you will be disqualified, but not banned
The official clock is http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Pacific/d/-8/java
Teams may wait in the King of Ashes mission lobby until 17:00, but may only start AFTER 17:00 PT
Your time stops when you reach the core, /tell Game-And-Watch when you reach the core, but I will be watching to see if you're there anyway, for double accuracy
The winning team will be announced and given the prize on the day after the competition. Prize money will be transferred to the representatives account. It is up to him/her to distribute the winnings to the other team members. I am not responsible for the prize after if has been transferred to the representatives account.
Please post any questions or feedback you have, or mail them to me, I.G.N. Game-And-Watch, Please allow 24 hrs for response!
And they say you can still hear the hundreds of shots of the Blitz Needles throughout the Throne Room to this day.