OMG I have to write it again...

Ok here is todays review of the preview again.
I saw alot of cool stuff today but I saw several stuff I want to critic.
The new Ui lacks a crown, mist and cristal displays outside of the arsenal.
As my brother indicated, the shield and health display seems unnecessary (in heavan).
The game froze sevral time when attemting to enter a different heaven.
The continue display after every elevator in my belief needs to be revised. The dashing needs to be replaced with a light jog. The current display looks is way too dramatic.
Tier 1 compound was way to easy and boring until at least level 6. I would recomend more action.
I would suggest Swarm monster not to spawn alone in small or larger packs without the company of a larger foe(s).
If swarm monsters are to appear alone let it be done to a similar way to when they apear in areas where they respawn unlimitedly. this way they are more spread out and an actual chalenge.
The New Mini-map sometimes fails to show friendlies in arcade. This makes finding them far to difficult when they need help.
I did not understand why their were seperate heavans. Was the Aniversary event intend to be shown or not?
Will prices and prizes be final for these events (token and reward prices) and preview sales (the yellow snipes)?