So I found a big heap of money on a mist craft alt. I don't know why he had so much money. So I was like. Ok.
What I will post is probably not going to be useful. There's just... some chance maybe that one of you is looking for Punch numbers. So what the heck, I'll just post it below.
I rolled single variants on 18 Skelly Suits.
1. Poison Med
2. Fire Low
3. Piercing Med
4. Elemental Maximum!
5. Curse High
6. Stun Medium
7. Shock Low
8. Freeze High
9. Stun Low
10. Shadow Low
11. Fire Medium
12. Freeze Medium
13. Fire Low
14. Normal High
15. Piercing Low
16. Elemental Low
17. Shock Low
18. Normal Low
So yeah, I'll probably make a little bit.
Then I'll probably do this again for fun.
Of course if you are interested in any of them except for the maximum, I will be tossing them up on the Auction House for 1 crown 2 day bid so enjoy :)
the elemental Maximum! one is going to a steam friend at random, so I am sorry if you were interested :(