No, it's just to keep out the overpowered peeps, since we made a quieter pact on that also....
The Pact of the Monocled Chromalisk (Roleplay In The Making, For The Pact Has Been Signed!)

If we want an RP...shouldn't we be brainstorming?

Just an idea, but we could have a few people brainstorm ideas, then if the others like them, we can combine the plots in some way.
Applying this idea as either an example or an actual thing, but we could have the plot be:
As a result of waste from the Clockworks, the ice caps in the Enstral Desert of Cradle have melted, causing the valleys and Clockworks to flood. All the Knights and most creatures escaped, and the Spiral Order was disbanded, as most of their weaponry and facilities had been destroyed. Gremlins and Knights befriended each other and lived in harmony, war now eradicated. People moved to islands across the vast sea created by the flood, some groups even building floating cities out of metal and wood from weapons. It was Cradle's Aqua Age. Life prospered and peace reigned. However, there was still a relic of the past. Over the years, people have journeyed towards the Enstral Desert, determined to find out what the waste was. None of them returned. In later years, people began to return, but shortly after, a plague broke out, causing several people to undergo mutations. This was kept under wraps by the Ocean Committee, the reincarnated Spiral Order, who kept these mutated Knights and Gremlins, investigating them. It's even said that the waste comes from the ocean, prompting the world into a state of uneasiness.
Just an idea, sort of borrowing from some ideas created so far. I just feel like we should do a roleplay in a setting we're unfamiliar with but with characters with we are. Drawing away from the Clockworks, y'know?

I has an idea. I posted it on the "Vot on the Next Roleplay" thread, plz check it out.
My proposal would fit the suggestion Aeky gave- because Almire is sort of a gray area in SK, we could experiment and all.

@Aekuryi I like the idea, but it would be simpler to have this named ocean in my plot...Since, I imagine Cradle with 3 oceans, ya'know? This Ocean Committee can be on one of the main continents, there being 3-4 continents total. Or is it okay to have your Ocean be the Ocean in my plot, the Ocean of Twisted Beings? I dunno, this is brainstorming after all...........
@Kaijuhunter Yeah, I saw your post and have been mulling it over the past few days....and, (don't hurt me!) been seeing if it could mix in with my plot. Heck, we can even mix my plot into your plot, making a plot baby XD! In all seriousness though, I was wondering if we could make your plot's kingdom be a reincarnated Haven, just....crueler. Since the war, Haven would be devastated, and I imagine Xerxes rebuilding his kingdom, Haven being his village, and his castle being a mix of the minerals he has the Knights mine for him. Maybe not so much as a castle as much as fortress. Again, I'm just brainstorming. I also think the race of beings I made coming out of the Ocean being enslaved by his cruel rule, the Ancient race beings slaves and the mutations being poor farmers. (people who kill monsters for little or no money, barely having enough to feed themselves.)
I love brainstorms. Especially rainy ones :)

Although, however, since my plot takes place DURING the war, your proposal would take place after the events of my plot transpire. Sadly, I had hoped to (spoilers!) make Xerxes die in the end, so perhaps the one to rebuild his empire would be his son?

Doing another combination (mine is a little more prominent in this one, sorreh), but the waste can cause the spread of the Ocean of Twisted Beings, sorta like pollution, and gradually cause the plague you demonstrated. One modification to said plague though, it could be that the plague causes the victim to slowly have their mind corrupted and turn into a part-clockworks being in some way. Meaning, if they were infected with a Wolver Strain of the Wastevirus, they would gain some traits of the Wolver, meaning they would gain some hunting instincts, sharp canines and possibly ears (とても萌 (*°∀°), a tail or even their entire body covered in fur. It varies, so they could either stand out prominently or go largely unnoticed. Same thing with other species.
I think the continents idea is cool too, though they shouldn't be too large, the biggest one being a little smaller than Canada maybe. I dunno.

I particularly like the mutation parts, along with the war. Have a war concerning mutations/another natural disaster?

To be revealed in the story.
N/A. He works alone.
He has straight, long white hair that only just stays a bit below his neck, his fringe laying above his yellowish-green eyes. He wears a black shirt, its top button unbuttoned, followed by white, baggy knee-level pants that do not restrict movement as much as you may think. His goth-black sneakers manage to touch his black ankle socks, which, in turn, comforts his void-black sneakers.
(In the picture, pay no attention to the clothing he's wearing. It's the face you want to see. The clothing he wears is described in the worded appearance written above this text.)
Other than his usual wear, nothing.
To be revealed in the story.
Other notes:
It's a very short application. Sorry 'bout that.

@Kaiju- No offense, but I don't particularly take well to the idea of taking someone else's story, and setting it to a SK theme. 300 was a great movie, with many events actually taking place in history, but I still think we should come up with our own ideas.
@Everyone- So is the mutation plot thing the official storyline? Because we're making apps according to it already.
@Seatus- In your storyline posted in the OP, are the Necrons available as a race? I just thought it'd be best to clarify that for everyone.

Are we using my setting or...? As of right now, I have no idea where this takes place if the plot is according to your post. If you could clarify it a little, that would be great.

Name: Athena Nakatsuki
Gender: Female
Faction: to be revealed
Race: Archangel
Appearance: is extremely fit, therefore having an athletic build, with curly black hair that falls to her hips. Her eyes are usually a gentle gray, but when she's mad, they glow a fierce, merciless, cold obsidian.
Arsenal: Mercury Armor, Purfier blade, Angelic spear, Aspis shield
Age: 26,000 (as a comparison, she is only 26 in angel years)
Abilities: flight, dominion over the skies, extremely proficient with weapons
Bio: to be revealed.
Ugh, why is it that I've always been obsessed with the name Leonidas? I'm tempted to make a character using that name. Leonidas... It just SOUNDS too epic for words... >.<
@Immortous: I agree, it was a great movie. Yet inaccurate about many things. On that note, a new 300 movie is coming up this year, and because the Athenian general Themistocles is involved in it, I'd hazard a guess that the Battle of Marathon will be depicted in the movie.

Athena has tremendous breasts for having "average build." "Athletic" may be a better description?

@Aekuryi This is still a brainstorm but...your setting is within my plot I'm guessing.....if we have to do a vote on the plot, that would be just fine
@Immortous Necrons ARE available as a race if my plot is acceptable...

Name:Hadi(also known as Legend-Knight-Hadi)
Gander: Male
Race: A knight now half knight and half ghost, able to talk to both kind.
Personality: A bit happy, usually silent, calm, experienced strategist and fighter.
Appearence: Wears his signature shadow straw hat. Tall hight, wears a spiral flak jacket.
Facial appearence: Has two kat ears hidden under his straw hat,shown as two spikes. Determined eyes. Personal colour is Dark Blue, Purple in grimalkin form. Wearing Golden Spiral Flak Gauntlets.
Weapons: Pending
Shield: None
Helmet: Pending
Costume: Spiral Flak Jacket, Dark cloak and a shadow straw hat.
Armor: Pending
Trinkit: Cursed Kat Seal Pendant(made up by me) worn on his wrist inside of his gloves.
True Assault model(also made up, with the abilities of the three true trinkets)
Accesories: Pending
Other: Striker gear replacing shield
Abilities: Margrel mode, Dark rage mode, strategestic planning(e.g Infeltration, Takedown and recover, Focus aim and clockwork knowladge
After dying in the Clockwork Chronicles: The Final Hour(coming soon) Haadi's whole team has been trapped in the core. They have the choice to revive only one of them, So they pick Hadi. He goes back to Haven but its not the same anymore. Its not there. There is water everywhere (+1 to Aekuryi's plot) after meating up with the new comitee and showing them proof of Serri's insanuty through a video on his com Hadi requests them to allow him to go backdown to the clocckworks, knowing a way to open the core and release his friends, but the clockworks aren't the same anymore...........................

Name: Chromo
Gender: Male
Faction/Race: Knight (Which is available, right?)
Appearance/Arsenal: Chroma suit 3* mask (Kleptolisk colored), Chroma mask 3* helm (Kleptolisk colored.), twisted targe 3* shield, toxic catalyzer 3* gun, and rock salt bomb 3* bomb (Arc Razor too if I can have 3 weapons). Violet P.C.
Bio: This strange young knight came into town one day wearing a full purple chroma suit. No one currently knows his back-story, although he has a strange hatred for slimes, as his equipment shows. he has a strange way of going about things. For example: He once threw his sheild across a room just to kill a royal mini while surrounded by lichens. When asked WHY he would do that, he responded by shrugging. Despite having a strange sense of humor which no one gets, he is a valuable teammate who always listens to orders (unless there is a slime involved or they're ridiculous orders).

The RP discussion itself isn't ready yet, and yet the character apps are rolling in already?
I know everyone is excited the new RP, but please let Thinslayer and the rest settle what they have to settle first, all of us have too much to worry about for now. Besides, the background of the RP isn't established yet, so all of your characters would not make sense unless you get a clear direction of what to do.
I would kindly ask that everyone be patient and wait until everything is sorted out. Remember, all characters (including NPCs) are useless until they fit into their appropriate background.

@Snowdusk: Admittedly, I think I set a bad example.
Allow me to critique the current proposals and offer one of my own.
*Aekuryi's idea seems a too preachy about global warming. The knights will still be going into the Clockworks anyways.
*Seatus' idea is interesting, but seems too focused on the creation of new races that will likely never see the light of day. Discovering new monstrous creatures is a great plot point, but it doesn't last very long without a preventable or rectifiable cause for the characters to deal with. I like the Swarm forms idea, and would like to use that. Also, mashups. I dislike them.
Now for the ideas on my other thread...
*I don't like Liminori's idea. I want the Spiral Order to be a good organization. I also don't want to bring gods into a roleplay when they are not needed, especially considering my own religious concerns.
*Aekuryi's idea here was repeated on this thread, and my concerns with it are the same.
*No. Not enough background, and highly unpleasant to play in.
*I like Infernus' idea. It's essentially the background of Return to Cradle, but with an interesting twist. Also, the loss of the Core's power gives me a few more idea... >;D
*There is not enough information to properly use Kaiju's idea.
Any seconds?

I posted this in Thin's voting thread. I figured it could be useful here. Maybe as an addition to the pact?
"...Also, some of the problems mentioned with previous roleplays, such as Roleplayers quitting, could be easily overcome if all the Roleplayers agreed that in the event of not being able to continue their character, whether because of writer's block, school, life, they would "end" that character. This could be done in a number of ways, as I'm sure a writers like yall could imagine..."

My intent for it was not to sound preachy of global warming. I wasn't even thinking of global warming from it. The waste from the Clockworks has to go somewhere. And what does this thread even have to do with global warming? Why are you bringing it up?
Besides, I think we should draw our attention away from the Core and the Clockworks, or at least move out of our familiar surroundings. There's been countless roleplays involving either the core, the Clockworks or both. I think we should move out of our comfort zone.
Speaking of Clockworks, has anyone been curious about the name "Clockworks"? The name implies that it's part of a clock and in turn powers it, but never in the story have we heard a clock been mentioned...
And the surface too. If I remember correctly, Cradle's surface has been described as arid and parched, with little to no life. It might be interesting to explore it through a roleplay.
I just think we shouldn't focus on the Core or the planet's innards so much. I feel like we need something new.

Yeah, but I wasn't thinking about global warming during the making of it and have no intent of making it as such. And as I said before, what does it have to do with this? Can I get some criticism aside from "it sounds preachy about global warming"?

Okay then...
I just don't like the idea. I am not inspired by it.
The only constructive criticism I have for you is...find a background that will be more relevant to writing. I have trouble imagining ways to utilize the background in a story.
Now, if there was an evil plot to zap the ice caps and make them melt, or a plot to contaminate Cradle's oceans, then we'd be getting somewhere.

I think its time to root out the apps that we don't approve of, and get to editing them, just saying. Speaking of I'll submit mine after we decide a story, I like Aekuryi's idea. If you want an evil plot just have either the gremlins or some other evil entity destroy everything.

I updated my character's bio, and sense I want to make this post useful, here's my story idea. Also, as I am absolutely HORRID at beginnings (good at middles and ends though), don't expect it to be that good.
After years of searching, a lone researcher near the core finally found a way to open the core! he started a transmission to haven "I've found a way to open the core! I can't tell you through this transmission though, I'm too low on energy to keep it going and I need to show you directly. Please come to my coordinates instantly." When the knights get there, however, He's gone. In desperation, the send a broadcast to all knights, telling them of the situation...
So yeah, that's it. If you guys feel it's good enough to use, edit it to fit better in the story of spiral knights and such. Well that's it, cyan for now.

If anyone has any more ideas, cram them in before we start officially voting on any plots, now that we're starting to make apps.

Just a really important question an someone answer for me, can I have two characters? Who are brothers?

Before I introduce my idea...
@Legend-Knight-Hadi: Since no one has been officially declared the mod yet (though it is likely that either I or Kaijuhunter will be selected), no one can stop you from adding two characters. I only recommend it if the brothers are always together, because in my experience, handling two characters is a serious challenge. I'm not convinced you could handle that.
Now for the idea.
The Skylark has crashed, and the knights must find their way in this strange new world. Alpha Squad has just been sent into the vast mechanical structure beneath the surface, and HQ is attempting to set up communications. The knights are tasked with exploring the underworld known as the "Clockworks." Already, the gremlins are devising a plot to destroy them...
Some key elements of this story will be:
*They discover how the Clockworks works.
*They discover some of the darkest secrets of the Clockworks (Core! Swarm!)
*There is a villainous plot to destroy Haven that must be stopped.
*The bosses should be memorable.
*Rhendon will find and bring together the main characters.
If this story is approved, we will need players to manage the following bosses:
*Snarbolax (I recommend Seatus)
*Royal Jelly
*Warmaster Seerus
*Lord Vanaduke
We will also need players to manage the following NPCs who are most involved in the missions:

Seriously yall, lets get the actual storyline set before we start making apps.
It's just confusing things and taking up space.
I think Seatus' whole mutation gig sounds interesting, but all the different species would make the roleplaying somewhat chaotic. Very interesting though. Perhaps removing one of the races would keep the RP's plot central.
Thinslayer's idea seems do-able. Seeing as we'd be following along the actual SK storyline, and just personalizing it. It also seems fitting since the decided RP will be the only one in the Vault.
Aekuryi's idea is also interesting. With the whole ocean and desert of darkness/toxicity vibe going. There are multiple possibilities there, though I'm not sure if both the desert and the ocean would work. Perhaps eliminating one variable would help keep the RP on track.
Dmatter's idea could use a bit of umphf to beef it up. It just lacks the content to successfully work here. If polished off a bit, it could easily be a feasible plot.
Did I miss anyone's idea? =P
So what are yall thinking?

Currently, I think that Thinslayer's idea seems like the best for this one, it fits the best in this roleplay form, and fits with spiralknights's story the best. However, the other ones seem like they would be amazing story's to tell, so there's that.
@Thinslayer where's roarmulos twins? They're my favorite boss!
@immortous you forgot my plot at 77, but I feel it's not that good, so yeah.
Also, I'm changing the reference part of my character app. After thinking about it, it seems like it would be tedious.

I love the Roarmulus Twins too. They will indeed be a boss in this RP (and are, in fact, the "devious plot" I spoke of), but being robots, they have no (useful) personality, so I did not create an option for players to use them.

I will be unavailable for awhile. To thinslayer I am not certain of your plot since there isn't much to play around with. I will try to answer asap

@Seatus- Don't leave too long! We need the OP here!
@Dmatter- There, I edited your plot in. =P

I think thin's idea is sort of...lacking, we already know the clockworks, while Seatus' and Aekuryi's are new. I'd rather go for either of those then the other ideas.

We're looking at the Clockworks in a whole new way, not just rehashing what we already know. We're putting a whole new spin on it, and we can do whatever we want with the story. Heck, it might not even follow the game story!

Hey guys. I finished the last chapter of clockwork chronicles: the final hour. I still have to proof read,but I don't have time. Also I'm very exited to post this. I posted this early cause I needed it to make sense for this RP

NOTE: I have never written a fanfic or any other writing piece.
-Add elements of limited time. Eg. We have to do this before this happens or we will all die and Cradle will be lost!
This creates suspense and potentially action.
-Add elements of internal conflict, perhaps within a character. Have them be usually an obedient person, but what they are doing is sometimes conflicted with what they personally believe.
-Add internal conflict on a large group or organization. Eg. There is a spy/traitor in the Spiral Order. Their mission is to sabotage all our missions or tell all our battle plans to the enemy! This creates more action, mystery and suspense.
-Add in secrets on both the sides of the good guys and the bad guys. I cannot think of an example for this. Have something look suspicious once in a while to create a secret. This will create suspense, mystery and potentially action.
-If you want, have some sort of organized enemy such as an army. This would make the story more organized and easier to write and read.

-The fist element was tested in Return to Cradle; the Skylark took several days to arrive. I think it went well, so I'm interested in doing that again.
-Internal conflict within chars should mostly be left to the players.
-Conflict within organizations is an excellent idea. I've lately been using it in my latest secret fanfic.
-Secrets are also a great idea. I believe Retribution tried (and failed) to use it.
-Organized enemies is a concept used in RtC (the Morai). It went well.
Just because you don't write fanfics doesn't mean you can't offer tips on them. It is often enough to be widely read, as I'll assume you are.

Alright, thin, it would be a pretty decent story, but there's too many! We must vote on what st- Agh screwit let's get on with the program that is the original story, otherwise the actual story of Spiral Knights. I mean really, am I the only one who notices that you just used most of the main missions from the game?

Well, now that one more idea's popped up, any more? I'm thinking about making a thread for voting since this one is a little unorganized and Seatus is... doing something else I think. Not sure.
@Hadi: One problem with that link, it's not public. Make the sharing on it public so we can all read it.

@Aekuryi- Well, we do have a thread for voting that Thin made awhile back. It's just that no one uses it.
Personally, I'm leaning towards Thin's idea, even though the others are very creative and would be interesting stories to hear.
I propose we use Thin's idea, and then, once the RP is finished and we've seen how the "single RP at a time" gig worked, then we branch off into more complicated and foreign plots. Foreign to SK that is.

I still approve of Thinslayer's idea. It could go somewhere.

"Also, I came bearing doughnuts." "[Heck] yes."
Quote on track 10, page 6.

Here's the link, which is shareable
Clockwork Chronicles: The Final Hour
I'll make the chapters enforce this afterwards. Already done 5 just need 14 or 18 left. Made this just for the RP so I can get a sequel.

There's a variety of concerns I have with your story, but I'll work on the ones that really stood out to me.
First off, cut out all the vocalizations (like screaming). It's unsightly and makes me squirm. Replace them with descriptions of the vocalizations (like, "he screamed" instead of "GAHHHH").
Now rework the plot. I immediately lost interest in the story as soon as I began reading, since there was hardly any introduction to grab my attention. Then, your fight scenes felt completely meaningless, and I didn't care who won. Your characters, too, felt bland and meaningless. There did not seem to be any character development (or even audience development, as the Prince of Persia film did). I literally couldn't care less about them. They're all dark and evil, so which hero should I root for?
Then...what of the ending? It felt unfinished.
I'm not criticizing it to make you feel bad, I'm doing it to help you write better. I just wanted to make that clear.

Alright I created a new voting thread for this specific RP.

Cradle is now nothing but a barren wasteland. After decades of civil war, two main groups have emerged, the Spiralians and the Janterians. They are under constant fighting and bloodshed, all ways trying to eliminate the other. But there is one knight who's destiny is to unite both groups under one flag.
Protagonist: Ammet, his goal is to unite the Janterians and the Spiralians. He doesn't belong to either group. He doesn't belong to any group in fact. He is in extremely skilled swordsman. He is also has a serious personality but when he is with a close friend he can be comical and friendly. Much isn't known about his background information.
Personal Appearance: Tall, 6'2", dark black hair, handsome and fierce black eyes. He always wears a cloak around his back.
Weapons: Dual Acherons. (he doesn't use a shield)
Before I start naming off all the characters, let me give some background info on each side.
Spiralians- these are the descendants of the people who built the original Skylark. Now they have a even more magnificent spacecraft, the Skylark II. The Spiralians are also technical geniuses. They have very advanced technology. In battle they rely more on technology than skill and strategy. They are more thoughtful than the Janterians, but they can become very cruel if they have to. They sometimes use robotic soldiers. They do have some secrets which they try hard to cover up...
Janterians- the descendants of the more crueler knights, the Janterians are known for their cruelty. They can execute anyone without any remorse. In battle they rely more on strategy and sheer numbers than skill. The Janterians are also always fighting with one another. They always have some conflict going on inside them.
Some of the main characters:
Lucy: Born into a high ranking Janterian family, she is one of the more thoughtful Janterians, she is considered a prodigy in the art of warfare. She has just started to fight for the Janterians. She has many skills but lacks experience. She is very obedient but what she does sometimes goes against her personal feelings. She also was once a childhood friend of Ammet.
Personal Appearance: Gray eyes, blonde hair. She is always wearing some high ranking robes. Tall, 5'11".
Weapons: Leviathan Blade, Valiance. She also uses an Aegis.
Rayme: Ammet's partner and best friend. He has a comical personality and likes to make jokes. But in battle he is very serious. He was a friend of Ammet from very early childhood. Like Ammet, he also does not belong to any group.
Personal Appearance: Tall, 6 foot, short brown hair, brown eyes. He always wears comfortable clothing but before a battle he wears armor.
Weapons: Triglav, Callahan. Uses Ironmight Plate Shield.
Jane: Lucy's best friend. Jane is very loyal to Lucy and follows her into the toughest situations. Jane is a demolisher (bomber). She is obedient and caring as well. She never questions her orders. Part of the Janterians.
Personal Appearance: Medium height, 5'8", sea green eyes. She wears a cloak and robes when not in combat. When she is in combat, she wears her demosuit as she is a bomber.
Weapons: Nitronome, all haze bombs, and elelctron vortex.
Plot: The plot will be made up as we go along the way (if this RP is chosen),
Feel free to make suggestions or add to what I said here.
More characters may be added if necessary.
My first time to create a story!

Alright, before I add your plot into the voting thread Retaeq, please clarify some stuff for me.
How would your "characters" work? Are they to be played as personal characters, or controlled by the moderator?
Otherwise, interesting plot!
I was hinting at the fact that you continue to type out completely different posts, which is effectively double posting.