if you solo, do you get more money for level? and is it /4 for money when 4 players are playing?
solo question
none of my questions were answered there :)
it just says it is splited but it doesn't say if it is splited /4 or same as you soloed
Every person in a party gets the same crowns.
If you pick up one crown, everybody gets one crown each.
It's rumored but not yet proven that enemies drop more crowns when there are more players present.
If you get a 10-crown coin, all players get 10 crowns. Just watch your crown counter when someone else picks it up, you'll see that everyone gets the full amount.
Here, this might be helpful to you: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/New_Player_Briefing
Generally, I think you get less money soloing, but not too much less, and you get all the mats. Of course, if you fall down, you have to either leave or energy revive, which is less than ideal.
I've noticed, may just be coincidence, but I've seen more rare loot drop with more people in the partah.
read here http://forums.spiralknights.com/de/node/7656