Heyya Guys, Linkboy here :D
I made a couple of remixes of some Spiral Knights music a while back, and never posted about them in the forums. I'm working on a third remix right now, which will be the normal battle theme (from arenas and such) but right now I have 2 remixes, both on youtube, for your enjoyment. These are the boss battle theme, and the Firestorm Citadel battle theme. Here are the links:
Boss battle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1R6ksXGzgU
FSC Battle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuhqeiRYAM8&list=UU4r9U9kdyLkD2zvTHB34O5w...
I'll bring you updates on all the work I do, and tell you when I release remixes and start new remix projects. Hope you enjoy guys :D