Shovelheadmcgee's feedback

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Great Work, OOO!

Initial Thoughts:
I went through a lot of clockworks levels checking out some strategies, and I like what I saw. The dash was fun just to mess around with, and probably a better way to speed run. The shield bash seemed like a copy of the dash, but with a little damage, and stun, but was still good.

Thoughts Afterward:
I really liked the dash, and shield bash. Good additions to the game, but we would need harder enemies for these to really show their full potential. I went through a Shadow Lair run, and half the time I barely even remembered to use them when in a pinch.

My Rage:
My favorite part of the new stuff was the bug. We should keep this "bug" because it buffed bombing in general, helped me when bombing to avoid taking damage while dropping the bomb, and this would also lead us on the road to balancing all the weapons. I just overall REALLY liked the bug, and I think we should keep it.
End Rage.
