When i tested it out i thought the idea was cool. There are, however, a few things that i think should be changed about it. the shield bash i learned was next to useless because it just made me charge right in the middle of the enemies. there should be a knockback similar to a shield push going in the direction you lunged (sorta like the trojan). other than that, the bash is not a bad idea. the dash was fun and useful, but how often you use it was a problem for me. I am not going to suggest something that puts it OP and unbalances the game, but it would be great if you can do it twice, instead of once in 10 seconds. there could be a system where you use it once, and there's a 10 second timer, but you can dash again within that time. of course though, if you dash again before the timer finishes, there would be an even bigger timer (15-20 sec + amount of time left). that is my opinion on this new system after testing it.
p.s. I strongly dislike the new vial and pill look :(
--Shocktag (testname: Surgetag)