Knights Vs. Monsters Game

2 posts in between each post you make, so I believe that would make it after.
Yeah... Pi, read the rules please.

1) Post #565 doesn't count for your cooldown, Usevn. >_<
2) Artistbma doesn't count in playing because he didn't say a number and it's unfair for the monsters if the creator of the game helps out.
And Artist, you should count as Knights and Monsters. For the first post, you are a knight and put a knight number. At the next post you make, it's a monster and so on.

I did, but then you posted making me change it to 80
I'll change it back

Monster Come Back!
We Have To Make Going Knights! Don't Turn Back!

Its an interesting idea, but overall I think it would cause much confusion because most of the people who play don't even look past the post right before them.
My posts will stay nonpareil, not helping either side. Although, I have full control over the game, so once in a while I may help a side if they seem to be lagging heavily behind because they do not have many posts for their side.

You Cheated! @#588 you didn't finish cooldown yet(2 post cooldown)
so yeah