The Blade Legion
Heavy Knights of Blue and Gold!
First of all, if you end up joining, don't be disappointed at the lack of rooms and furniture of our guild hall. It is a new group after all, and it will grow if people join :D
What might this jolly good group bee all about? (In other words what is this guild and why join it)
Thank you for hypothetically asking! This is a guild for strong knights who believe and use the art of Heavy Combat!
Before you continue, please not that what I am about to say is not required but is preferred.
This means that, you rely on armor and particularly heavy armor. What weapons are used? Well, we prefer if you use the most damage dealing sword that you can find. (and by that I mean slow and powerful hits not super fast fancy-shmancy thrusting.) Also, bombs! What type of bombs are used? Any! Any kind. Just use em! Remember, its not required but i preferred.
Served Food
Well, we have a large verity of the finest beverages made in a cauldron! We have onion juice, pickle juice, garlic juice, anchovies juice, potato juice, and the best of all, yam juice! (please don't ask why I added this... I was bored!... pickles!)
The Blades Legion in a nutshell!
We believe in Heavy Combat and like the colors Blue and Gold
The color/theme of your armor is heavenly and/or consists of the colors Blue and Gold (the regal theme)
You are committed enough to donate a descent amount of crowns to the guild treasury.
You use heavy armor as your consume/armor
You use a sword as your primary weapon.
You use bombs as your secondary weapon.
You are rank Knight or up.
You are committed.
1. How long do you play spiral knights a day on average?
2. Why do you want to join The Blade Legion?
3. What armor and/or costume do you wear?
4. What sword do you use?
5. How long are you planning to stay?
6. Do you like yams?
7. What rank are you?
8. Tell us more about yourself (optional option)
Nuff' said.