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Expanding chat

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

I'd really like it if there was a key to make the chat area bigger.
On my resolution it's kind of tiny, and long messages take half the display.

Also, make the pageup and pagedown keys scroll the chat.

Legacy Username
I have been thinking about

I have been thinking about both suggestions aswell. Having only a few lines of chat is incredibly hard to keep track of what's said. Along with that is that very unhandy "scroll button". Page-up/down could help with scrolling, but it doesn't address the issue though that the scroll button itself is not very useful.

Legacy Username
same here

Yeah I was pondering on the same issue last night. I'd like to see options to expand the chat too. Longer lines and more lines on the screen. Assigning keys/mouse buttons for scrolling sounds like a nice suggestion too.