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Cool Enemy Idea: Shapeshifter (Elite Monster : Slime Family)

8 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Fehzor

It'd be kind of like a ditto from pokemon, but more like the bogart from Harry Potter. The classic shape shifting gel.

There would be one universal set of monsters that all shapeshifters would become; this monster would be on the same level as the shapeshifter for instance, mecha knights, grievers and gremlin thwackers are all elite monsters, thus would be fair game for a fully healed shapeshifter. However, as they get damaged, shapeshifters would only be able to select lesser monsters. So the mecha knight you were fighting might turn into a scuttlebot after a few hits. All would deal split normal/piercing or pure piercing, always be weak to shadow, and would retain the coloration of a shapeshifter.

The shapeshifter would fall back and revert to it's true form (but quickly re-transform) when either damaged enough to be set back a level, or knocked down and canceled.

Status variants of the shapeshifter would obviously become status variants of other monsters.

Portrait de Inferno-Forum
Derpuraptor strikes back

I think these should be able to only select monsters with meelee attacks, or at least only perform meelee attack. I think this could serve as a miniboss like Tortodrone, Jelly Green Giant, or a Battlepod.
Now I think of it, Jelly/Jolly Green Giant is most probably the slime Elite.

Always liking the idea of new

Always liking the idea of new mobs.

This is fine with me.

Portrait de Thunder-The-Bright

no, techically ice cubes are jelly elites.
as for the idea, +1.

Portrait de Fehzor

I've never seen ice cubes or other jelly cubes spawn as the last wave of an arena. Thus, they cannot possibly be elites.

Portrait de Waffleconecake
Fehzor I have seen greavers

Fehzor I have seen greavers spawn during arenas. So are they no longer elite now?

Portrait de Fehzor

Um. They do spawn in a large group at the end of arenas as the last wave, so they are classified as elite monsters by the devs.

Portrait de Sirius-Voltbreaker
+1 make it a beast

It needs to be in the beast family since they are so easy to beat, unless that dragona suggestion comes through.

Portrait de Oboron

I'd say it should something like Deoxys! And it could only switch between four forms :P

Normal - Before a knight gets close to it or attacks it.
Attack - From 100% health to 41% health
Defensive - From 40% health to 11%
Speed - From 10% to death
