Darkfang Spire is a new guild,opened on the 28th of July ,2013
We're now recruiting more friends to help us out :)
We're a fun-loving somewhat laidback guild,and we're all about having fun
We have three founders(Guildmasters) all of whom are very nice
Lemme introduce you to them
Favorite weapon: Hammer(he named his "hammy" :P)
Dismatch is a real good friend. He likes doing missions of all sorts,and trying out new playing styles.He's the funnest of the lot and loves his "Hammy" more than the world
Favorite weapon: his umbra driver,which tastes like cheese and crackers
Artic is the most skilled of us three. Give him a gun,and watch him tear the world down,and make the sky fall. Apart from that,he's REAL nice,and likes helping people out =D Just make sure you don't get on the wrong end of his Umbra...
Favorite weapon: Glacius
Giga was the one with the idea to start the guild. He's a nice fellow who likes helping out and killing zombiez(he really likes PvZ =P)He eggs people on and has a nice personality. Just don't make fun of Squeekers(his seraphynx) and he'll be a great friend.
Well,thats about our GMs
now lets get to promotions
Just be nice,and support the guild abit
Support the guild further more,help fellow guildies with missions,etc
(be extremely loyal to the guild,be active,help with recruiting etc)
Rules for the guild
1) Be nice >=U
2) Don't beg ._.
3) Help fellow guildies ^.^
Well,thats all. If you wanna join,well,just tell one of the GMs :)