So now if we buy anything from Brinks , say a pendant it is bound to us right away?
Really 3 rings? Really?
So now if we buy anything from Brinks , say a pendant it is bound to us right away?
Really 3 rings? Really?
Token items still bind on purchase. There is a known issue where those items say 'bind on equip' instead, but they will in fact still bind on purchase as before. It will be fixed in the next bugfix release.
Don't forget to fix the crafting bug in the next update too... the game is incorrectly making 4* items cost 400 energy to craft, and 5* cost 800 energy to craft. Its obviously a bug since there's no way the devs would be purposefully implement such a counter productive thing to their bottom line.
@Gwen this is intentional and helps their bottom line sadly
People who previously purchased 4-5* gear paid premiums of or more than that of the increased crafting cost. While the cost of crafting prior to the patch only cost 10/50/100/200/300 energy respectively, the transaction of energy far outweighed the cost of production thus introducing a third currency into the market (that of heat). While 2 currencies were given based on effort and time (Crowns and Heat) the currency which produces revenue for Three Rings and was the primary component of a strong portion of [PREMADE] purchases was not being used as frequently as Three Rings had hoped for. The term "Used" implies the resource has been depleted rather than exchange hands. Buying a premade item from someone else does not "USE" more energy than that of the person creating the said item to begin with. As more energy flows from the hands of those who pay for the game and into the hands of people creating goods, there will come a point where those people will have no use for energy and potentially undercut Three Rings in its sole source of revenue which is the sale of "Energy". By keeping the "Energy" in the hands of those who purchased the energy and limiting the means which people can both "Profit" and "Sustain" themselves, Three Rings will help their bottom line. If people quit because the game is no longer "Unlimited Free to Play" if you play smart, then Three Rings profits from the saved resources of these free players. Everyone still essentially earns energy daily which means no matter what, as long as you use that energy that is given daily, you progress in the game. The rate of progress is questionable but its still progress for free. And if you as a consumer ultimately decide not to become a customer for Three Rings and Spiral Knights, you sadly are not the target audience the company is trying to market its product towards. And if you feel your presence should be of value to the company, it is... its a negative value at the moment... You use their resources, complain and create a negative environment for paying customers in hopes the company bends to your desires. You are what most people i the real world call an extortionist and is charging Three Rings "Protection" of their name and work.
@ Jinzhao - I think you missed the Sarcasm in that post by Gwenyvier.
The Auction House was made to only sell materials, obviously. (Even though you can just buy rare materials with tokens easily.)
Letting anything of value be sold on the Auction House is out of the question. So speaketh Three Rings.