A poll on the subject of the patch.
How satisfied/dissatisfied are you with this latest patch update?
None, Low, Medium, High, Very High, Ultra, or Maximum! levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction, please.
How likely/unlikely are you to cease making payments for CE?
None, Slight, Moderate, Fair, or Good chances, please.
If you could summarize your vote as "Subject: Satisfaction/Likelihood" I'd appreciate it very much.
I also appreciate that people are explaining why they feel the way they do - it makes it more in-depth of an analysis.
This poll is biased. If you take the effort to make a poll, make it a fair one. The contrast illustrates whatever results you get much better.
EDIT: wait, misread it. Okay, how about highly dissatisfied? Only not ultra/maximum because they did add some good things to the mix.
On the topic of paying... I'll be honest, I never intended to pay. I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person like that :(
However, I stopped viraling. I just can't recommend this game as it is now. Not sure if that counts.
My dissatisfaction with this latest update has Spiralled toKnight down to new lows.
Very Dissatisfied and very unlikely to buy CE now.
Medium dissatisfied. I got Tier 3 clearance just before the patch and now my friends are going to have to struggle with the new crafting costs before they can join me. The energy costs for crafting only contribute half the problem in and of themselves-- the new costs also resulted in Energy's Crown value skyrocketing-- so it takes much longer to buy enough Energy via Crowns.
We're all intent on seeing how far we can get while still playing for free, and... it doesn't look like we'll get much farther without burning ourselves out on the Royal Jelly Palace.

High dissatisfaction. chance of buying CE is none
Highly dissatisfied. Good chance that I will cease paying money for CE. Will reconsider in the event that the bound-item portion of this patch is substantially rescinded.
For me, it's more about losing content that I'd paid for. I don't think the new crafting costs will be unmanageably high, and I don't think that the fun of the game is reliant on item trading (though I can't see how that's anything but positive), but this patch did effectively destroy equipment for which I'd paid some amount of money, and that is unacceptable.