Greetings noble knights! Welcome to Aisteria's recruitment page.
About the guild:
Aisteria is a brandnew guild for every kind of player. Tier 1,2 and 3, everyone is welcome!
Just make sure to bring a pinch of happines, a big smile and loyalty and I am sure you'll fit right in :D
So what does this guild do?
This guild does a lot of things! On a regular base we do all kinds of runs. We exercise Vanaduke to keep him fitt, punch the Roarmulus Twins because they bark too much, poke JK with a (ban) stick since a lot of our members are so jelly of his bad @[bucket] crown. We also help out a lot of new players to learn the basics and give them some tips and tricks to survive.
So how can I join?
Simply fill in the application below and I'll take a look at it.
1: What's your IGN? (in game name)
2: What tier are you?
3: Are you more PvP or PvE based?
4: What gender are you? (optional!)
5: How old are you? (optional!)
6: Do you know someone in this guild? If so, please name who.
So thank you for filling in the
app/looking at the thread/reading this and I hope to see you seen in Spiral Knights.