about heart revive/HP sharing -with more time/thought- (i hope its ok to post this here, in case i was in the wrong spot before)

I think taking out heart res/hp sharing was a huge mistake and removed a great co op mechanic that worked in the games favor and made it more fun, unique and interesting. to be able to earn the parties trust by doing well in combat so they knew when they gave you half of their remaining health that it wouldn't go to waste and you would be around to help in getting it back. or to have to trudge through a horde of mobs to make your way to a downed comrade to pick him back up and continue the fight. dropping a pill for another ( i don't mind the item sharing so much as the Heart res being removed) and helping them fight their way to it on their last leg, diving in harms way and shielding them from taking their last hit before reaching it. that was GOOD fun and GOOD co op mechanics. the only thing that came close to that was classic NES games and the like but it was in the crappy form of just stealing an entire life. this was the only game ive ever seen that had anything like it. sure you had the issue of newbs being a life sink, but that was fine. you gave them the benefit of the doubt and if they didn't learn from their mistakes, and become a bit more cautious they lost that privilege and instead had to pay for their mistakes out of their mist or pockets. in a solid group you were able to rely on one another, work as a unit/ squad of four. a downed knight meant you were at 3/4 capacity not some random person died. cheesy or not, it made for some of the best comradery i have seen in a MULTILAYER game in a long time. you learned which fourth was strong in which situation, and leaned on them and gave them your health when fighting in a situation that called for their specific skill set, even if it meant dying to give it to them, knowing that they would spend that portion of the squads health better than you could at that moment. you also knew when it was your turn to lead the spearhead, accepted the health given and were obligated and allowed to be able to do more with it at the time than the rest.
Now it is just stale... 4 people alone in a group, no where near the same sense of co operation. its not a game breaker but you guys took a chunk of Spiral Knights heart out with this one. id pay for more than elevators to get it back. but even with the new spark of life system, why cant we still have our HP resurrection. continue to stop heat sharing if you want, take away the free revive per floor, that's just weird anyway. but the new system is dead, its just so lacking and dry, haltingly. i don't know, stale is all i can think of. now if someone is downed in a tight spot like an arena, one person has to stop, break the flow of game play and right click a picture after unlocking hud, go to the bottom of a drop down menu and click in order to bring the help they need back to life, usually costing the resurrecting knight their own life or a good portion of it in order to do so. as for the fallen knights (if they have the sparks themselves) most mid level players will) rather than watching a friend battle through the creatures of the room to get you back on your feet and then helping them fight their way out of the corner and wall of mobs they worked their way into in doing so, you plop down and instantly click a button to pop right back up again, no struggle, no co op.. just a number ticked down in the inventory. neato.
do people really think that thats better? more entertaining? anyone i have asked in game feels this way, and ive spent a lot of time in doing so, but i don't see these people on the forums, just flamers and the people im guessing who stopped getting heart revived after the 10th death on the same floor after "leeerooooy jenkins"ing around. im not saying take everything back and put it the way it was. i like a lot of the new ideas, some are ok some are great. the sprites are amazing. but is there any chance it getting heart revive/hp sharing back at a fair cost? anyone else miss it?
this is all just one bummed knights opinion, shared among the other 3/4ths of his squad. no need for le flames

the SoLs cost 200 CE for ten, the only time they cost 50 is when you are out of them completely and die in the clockworks. while in the clockworks you cant buy the cheaper ones from the depot. but they also get dropped throughout gameplay so they are not impossible to save up, even without spending energy
About Reviving:
I agree with this post. The half health revival system was a lot easier to use and it... Not quite sure how to put this, but it didn't feel like it was punishing you for reviving a weaker team mate. I've been trying to save up my SoL's for when I get to deeper levels and I'm always thinking before I revive a downed squad mate "Are they worth it?" and I don't like having to ask myself that. I'd be perfectly fine with returning to the old method of partner revival and removing the emergency revive.
Also, another thing I've noticed is that a lot of people just straight up leave once they've died. Prior to the Sparks of Life, this never happened. Sometimes I'll even be on the verge of giving them a spark and then they'll just leave. To me this says that more people are being left behind than revived. If this isn't a bad sign, I don't know what is.
I think making Sparks of Life harder to obtain, but bringing back the half-health revive system is at least worth considering. This way it also encourages team play and exploring in a squad without causing a massive build up of SoL's.
About Sharing Consumables:
I'm kind of sad that this got removed. I mean, letting each knight pick up their own vials and pills is nice, but why can't we share them? I mean, if the enemies scale with the number of players, what's so wrong with letting one player potentially use more health pills if his team is willing to share? If one team mate is having a rough time, I want to help him out. I want to have the option of giving him some health, but without any long term side affects on my future game.
-I felt like the HHR (Half-Health-Revive) and sharable consumables were a good step towards a closer community and good teamwork.
-Sharing consumables gave better players an opportunity to help out less capable players without any serious costs. ie. spending SoL's
-What if SoL's were harder to obtain, but the HHR was brought back?
PS. I just realized that the abbreviation for Sparks of Life (SoL) looks and sounds like "SouL". I just thought that was kind of cool.

I really do agree with this, and if we can't bring it back, then I'd like Kryophyre's suggestion to be implemented.

I read SoL as "s**t out of luck" and it made no sense.
I would like the hp revive brought back too, as well as the old loot system where loot was shared.
But i do like the availability of SoL. I only play solo so i really would like more SoL to pay less on revives,
But i am not complaining as i used to pay over 100,000 CE on revives per run, it wasn't sustainable.
Other than that and the active level up, i am liking the new SK.

I think sparks should still exist as a substitute for energy reviving. This would be very good.

To be honest, I find it fun seeing my team mates get back up and into the action quickly rather than staying on the floor waiting for someone else to fight their way through the hordes to strip themselves of half their health to revive someone. Besides, we didn't lose the ability to revive other players. It just shifted from easily replenished health to consumables that don't drop nearly as frequently. The only problem I have with that system is that you have to go through a menu to do it, which is far from ideal when you have enemies swarming around.
If health revives came back unaltered then I fear we will go back to encouraging players to wait for others to revive them rather than jumping back up quickly and getting back to contributing to the party's success. Therefore if we do open up opportunities to assist other knights through health then I feel it should be done more reservedly. Something like where it is made only possible between two living knights (similar to sharing health capsules pre-update) so that you can support each other between fights but still have to pick your own butt off the floor if you get KOed.
Alternatively, allow health sharing in tiers 1 and 2 only, leaving tier 3 players to rely entirely on the existing system.

+1 Viconaut, you put into words what I could not. Your squad isn't the only one thinking that.
+1 Kryophyre, harder to obtain SoLs in exchange of Healt-Sharing, I concur.
I agree, hp sharing encouraged players to party up, SoL does the opposite.

"hp sharing encouraged players to party up, SoL does the opposite."
We already discussed this, when partying monsters get more health, but not enough to counter the fact that another knight is dealing damage at the same time.
With simple numbers you can understand (they are not realistic but prove the point):
monster = 100 life
your gun = 80 damage
monster = 150 life
your gun + the gun of your ally = 160 damage
Sparks of life do nothing. With or without them, it's better to party up. If you can coordinate, monsters will die more quickly.
You could say it's less desirable and harder than before, but not that it makes you want to solo.
I quite the game because of this I check back from time to time to see if they will put it back in the game.
I will play this game again if Health revives return.
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