Hello people of Spiral Knights! I am looking for a new guild. My current guild (guild) is awesome but there is only about 5 of us who play regularly. So ima friend my bros from there and join some new guilds! I have created an application from guilds I thought had good applications (EoS, Unity, Knightmare).
So if you are looking for a 3*-4* (noob when i have bad runs) then this is the place for you! P.S. Mantequilla y tocino es muy bueno.
1) IGN: Pktrident
2) How long have i been playing Spiral Knights? 1 yearish big breaks through year.
3) What guilds have i been in? Guild and Phalanx
4) How often do i play spiral knights? I shoot for a hour a day at least. (because of studies)
5) PvP or PvE? I play a lot more PvE, but i will always play LD for the fun and lols.
6) What is your favorite weapon? mmmm sealed sword line probrably.
7) What country am i in? U.S.A eastern standard time
8) Which bosses have you killed? All but vana. I have tried to defeat vana in 2* with 1 companion.
9) What can i solo? Everything, but vana and sl and stuff like that right now.
10) Interesting facts? I a like to play soccer/football. I like to play lots of videogames and hang out with friends. Im pretty funny i guess and bacon + pancakes are awesome.
11) Why choose me over everyone else? You should choose me, because even though im still learning some new stuff in the game, i am a team player. I will try to help in any way i can and do anything i can. Also, i am really nice, so, yea.
I'm looking forward to going to whatever guild i decide to join.
I just recently created my guild, and we are 30 strong...but I'm always seeking active members to join our ranks. Interested?