Ah, l haven't had the chance to log on since checking mail but l've ran out of Cool Eyes Of Fury, l'll mail you back the money next chance l get to log on, apologies!
Fayeth's Shop! UV Stuff & Accessories!
Oh ok, no problem! You can keep the 69 crown tip tho :)
Haha thanks!
My buyout is 150000 CR.
Graviton Charge CTR High [B/O 300000 CR]
Graviton Vortex Undead Medium [B/O None]
Arcane Halo [B/O 27000 CE]
Black Kat Cowl Piercing Low [B/O 25000 CE]
6x Cool Dragon Wings [B/O 8000 CE]
2x Cool Valkyrie Wings [B/O 8000 CE]
Divine Dragon Wings [B/O 17000 CE]
7x Dusky Dragon Wings [B/O 8000 CE]
2x Prismatic Dragon Wings [B/O 15000 CE]
Shadow Dragon Wings [B/O 30000 CE]
Shadow Valkyrie Wings [B/O 35000 CE]
7x Tails Tails [B/O 800000 CR]
Chapeau Of The Blue Rose [B/O 12000 CE]
Chapeau Of The Green Rose [B/O 12000 CE]
6x Tabard Of The Blue Rose [B/O 8000 CE]
2x Tabard Of The Black Rose [B/O 20000 CE]
5x Tabard Of The Gold Rose [B/O 10000 CE]
5x Tabard Of The Green Rose [B/O 8000 CE]
6x Sniped Stranger Hat [B/O 10000 CE]
Solstice Prize Box [B/O 350000 CR]
Hunter Prize Box [B/O 350000 CR]
Crest Of Summer [B/O 4000 CE]
2x Crest Of Winter [B/O 4000 CE]
Prismatic Valkyrie Wings [B/O 20000 CE]
3x Snowfall Aura [B/O 20000 CE]
3x Sunshine Aura [B/O 20000 CE]
Surge Wings [B/O 20000 CE]
6x Love Aura [B/O 130000 CR]
Ill buy the Black Kat Cowl. You said its sold but I still see it in your inventory on steam.
Combuster Undead Medium [B/O None]
Divine Bomb Bandolier [B/O 4000 CE]
Divine Vitakit [B/O 10000 CE]
Divine Wolver Tail [B/O 20000 CE]
Sprinkle Aura [B/O 300000 CR]
Any chance of just getting the Twilight Aura off of that Chaos Cloak?
I more then likely don't have enough. I'm trying to get it as a gift for my girlfriends birthday tomorrow, so I figured I might as well ask.
I have 60k CE. I also have a few items I would be more then willing to depart with to sweeten the deal, but it seems like you are more in the selling then trading business, so I don't want to waste your time. As I said, just a bit of desperacy in trying to do somethin' special.
How much for the frosty glasses?
Sorry I'm not responding in game, it's a long story and let me just say I can only play SK about once every week. I do have steam though!
EDIT: ooh ooh, are you by any chance selling a military grand topper?
Ah maybe you could try asking Gackt, he apparently has three of them. I only have the one and its already attached, on top of that l'm above 1mil CE so l would rather keep my rarities then sell them off for more CE while l don't need it, sorry! Best of luck with Gackt though, it's sweet that you're getting your girlfriend something so rare for her birthday!
How's 60000 CR for the Frosty Glasses sound? I'm not selling a Military Grand Topper, sorry!
Sounds expensive o.o maybe I'll think about it if there aren't any cheaper offers.
offering 6k E for it .,
IGN: Chrisdander-Twix
Sorry l'm not taking offers for that item, it's either buyout or nothing.
Someone has already offered 150000 CE for that set and l turned it down, sorry!
Do ya hav any wings left? If you do, I'd like to see them in trade. I don't really like there pictures on the wiki cause the don't show much angles. May I see the wings you have in stock in trade?
Pls say yes....
Still got this?:
Chaos Cloak w/ Twilight Aura + Prismatic Valkyrie Wings : Shock Medium
All the wings l have left are on my thread, this thread is updated in real time.
I do.
I don't have any current offers or a buyout but you most likely won't get it unless you offer a stupidly high price while l'm above 1000000 CE, sorry!
I'll buy it as soon as I can get online. I will send you the CE by mail.
May I ask how much are you asking for'em?
I would like to buy your cool Valkyrie wings if you have no other colour of Valkyrie wings, but if you do have different colours tell me and I will try to see if it is OK.
I would like volcanic, but too much cr and stuff but it would go well with my vog. But first please tell what colour.
Probably 50000 CR for both accessories.
I have Cool, Divine, Prismatic, Shadow and Volcanic Valkyrie Wings.
I am interested in all of those but I need to see them in person. Meet me in-game at 3:50 EST time and I will mail you. Bye, and see ya then. But, if you made the volcanic one 8500 cr I would buy but its kinda worth more that that.