are you ever going to open the gunner test server...

you guys said the update was coming out early november, its then now and you havent even released the test server
Edit: Please don't post new threads in the testing feedback forum when the testing server is not open. We'll let you know when it is open!

Being a pure gunner myself (and proud owner of all guns, 2x gunner trinkets and almost all gunner armour sets), I too am very excited and anxious to test out my new toys, but as Narfle said, OOO were targeting a November release. Given their update history, it is more likely to be released in the last half of November, if not then early December.
Patience is a virtue, give them time to make our new toys more awesome! ^_^

Could you stop posting stuff on the testing feedback subsection when it's not on?
You know why?
Because twice I thought it was going on and it was only someone asking when it opens... Ask it in the GD? Testing Feedback is meant for Testing feedback...
you know?
Applied Logic 101
"The Gunner Update is currently targeting a November release window [...]" meaning sometime in November. There was never any claim as to the update coming in early November. And the 'currently targeting' part means that if something isn't working, it might not be released until after November. Now hush.