I've seen a couple of times now where the devs have been concerned about something, have come up with a fix, have implemented the fix, and the first inkling that we had that there might be a problem was the fix going live. At that point, there is a fountain of "oh, well, if you wanted to do that, then why not do this?" but, of course, the implementation is already in. There are a lot of players here who would be delighted to make suggestions for how to improve this or that aspect of gameplay, but we don't even know what you want to improve. Letting us know your concerns ahead of time would let us possibly give you some ideas in time for them to be helpful, and would also cushion the blow (if any) when the implementation comes down. If we'd had an idea that the devs in general thought that people were burning through the tiers too fast, then the bump in crafting CE prices wouldn't have come as nearly so much of a hit.
Note that this is not any of the following.
- It is not asking you to tell us what you're working on.
- It is not asking you to guarantee that you're going to do something about an issue.
- It is not anything even remotely resembling a request for intended schedules.
- It is not asking you to promise or guarantee anything
It's more about things like, say, crown sinks. I'm personally under the impression that adding crown sinks to the game in a way that don't annoy players is a good thing. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm not. Whenever I think of a new and more interesting crown sink, I'll note it in a post or few. If the devs agree with me, then I'm being helpful. If they don't, then whether or not I'm right doesn't matter because none of my ideas will ever be implemented, so I'm just spinning my wheels. Having a list that mentioned "in general, we might like a few more reasons for upper-tier players to care about crowns" or, alternately, that *didn't* mention same, would be really nice for helping me focus my helpfulness-to-OOO efforts. I would presume the same is the case for a number of the others on the boards as well, though I cannot prove it.
It would be even cooler if it would update from time to time. "We're pretty sure we've fixed this, we've put in a fix for that and we want to let it run a while before we decide if it's enough, this other thing is fixed for the moment, but more ideas might be helpful because we expect it to be a problem again eventually, and these two new things have just showed up and are causing us some concern - we'll see if anything comes of them." Stuff like that. Help us get into the mindset of helping you with the problems you think you have, rather than fighting against stuff that comes down from above without explanation.