** LordZ Guild Recruiting NOW! **

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Hello Everyone, first I'd like to thank you for visiting the forum and expressing your interest in the LordZ Guild. That being said good luck to all those who submit a application.

NOTICE: All future Recruits when posting your application make sure the post is titled like so "Name's Application." For example I would post mine as "AdviCe's Application."

About LordZ Guild:
A newer Guild that's working its way to being a top tier Guild within the Spiral Knights Community. Our members are mature, experienced, and loyal to their fellow Guild mates. We currently have a Ventrillo Server, a forum, and were working on getting the Guild Bank up and running. You can check the forums at http://LordZGuild.lefora.com

Who were looking for:
We are looking for Intelligent, Mature, Experienced, and Loyal players.

The Process:
All recruits will begin with a 1-2 week Trial Period. This is so the Guild gets to know each recruit, and see how they mesh with the rest of the Guild. Each week the Officers and Guild Master will discuss which recruits will be accepted to the Guild amongst other topics. At that time Recruits will either be Promoted, asked to continue their Trial, or declined Membership.


1. Each Recruit must have at least TWO 4-Star items. It can be a Sword, Helmet, Cloak, Shield, Bomb, Armor, or whatever as long as it has the 4-Star rating.

2. You must speak English. This is required because a majority of the Members first language is English, and it would be difficult to get to know each other with a language barrier.

3. Recruits must be at least 18 years old. This is because most of the time with age comes maturity and intelligence. Unfortunately Atron and I have had first hand experience if this requirement is not enforced.

4. A recruits skill will also be evaluated whenever playing with Veterans, Officers, or the Guild Leader during their trial period. There is no test, the skill portion of your process will be completely based on how well you perform with the Guild Members.

5. Fill out all of the following questions and post them in your Application post.
1) Why do you want to join the LordZ?
2) How did you discover the LordZ?
3) Do you know any LordZ Guild members?
4) Adding value is an important aspect of being a member of the LordZ Guild. How will you add value to the LordZ Guild?
5) How many hours do you play a week?
Now about you
6) Name (i.e. Will Ferrell )
7) Age (minimum 18)
8) From? ( i.e. Cinci, Ohio, U.S. )
9) What is your in game name? ( i.e. AdviCe )
10) Do you play any other games?