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Join Party - UI

5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

Perhaps it's just me, but isn't the Join Party interface really unclear about everything? To me it feels that pushing that buttons equals a lottery to whether you'll end up with somebody, and if so, where that will happen.

Portrait de Poseidon
Game Master
It does actually work as

It does actually work as intended, but right now we have a limited amount of players during the preview event and a lot of players are in solo or full parties already, and the interface is per gate, so there are rarely any open parties available on that gate.

Personally I would like to see more incentives for party play, and would prefer a list of open parties on any gate to join, even if it might look odd to step up to Gate A and join a party on Gate B.

Legacy Username
Yes a list like that would be

Yes a list like that would be really welcome. However, you'll need to get rid of those gate-tier-passes though, if you want this to work very well? I don't think a lot of people are willing to unlock multiple gates at the same instance to the appropriate depth all the time. (unless they are new players who don't need to do that) So getting a list of only your unlocked gates, which probably is the single one gate you're already at, wouldn't make a big difference then.

Legacy Username
Well, there are necessarily

Well, there are necessarily going to be a lot of solo players, but there really aren't incentives to party up before emberlight if you can survive the run, because of the horrendous lag people get. I get what is probably on the low side of the lag from what I've heard, and there are still moments in 4-player arena that I'll get screen freezing lag for 2-3 seconds, especially when multiple touhou puppies are active. While there is still significant lag in solo play at times, parties suffer from this more.

Portrait de Sadiekate
I generally leave myself on

I generally leave myself on solo play because I don't have to worry about having people randomly popping into my party. I can invite people from my friends list at a time when I'm not in the middle of carefully picking off gun puppies. If there was a setting that allowed new group members to join only at 'lobbies', I'd be more inclined to use it. As far as joining parties goes, I would rather start at the beginning of a gate. It's also pretty costly to spend a tenth of my daily energy (and therefore play) popping into a party with random players in a random location.

Legacy Username

>would prefer a list of open parties on any gate to join