Active adult player looking for guild to run with daily.
My Character:
Name: butlove
gear: 4* balance set, and working on some alternate items. Have a pepperbox for alternate weapon and use the 4* jelly shield.
playstyle: Mostly go in with with chraged sword attack, sheild when targeted, hack and slash enemies targeting others, and use gun in some situations. Splitting health with teammates is better than reviving.
Running out of energy hasnt been an issue for me. Im basicly looking for an active guild that is working on progressing in tiers 2 and 3. I can build a 5* set rather quickly, but I want to start running with a regular group before putting more time and money into my gear. I can run daily. A schedule is preferred, but as long as there are guild runs going consistently at certain times of day, that should work.
Ive been playing video games since before Al Gore invented the internet, and have experience with countless online games. I pick things up very quickly.
I am an adult play, but not always that mature. I have a low brow, vulgar sense of humor. I play games to have fun, so I prefer a guild that doesn't take things too seriously, but still has some order and can get stuff done.
I have a vent server that the guild could use if they dont already have one, as well as skype or whatever else people use.
Please reply to this post, or add me in game. Please tell me about your guild, and how you think I would be a fit.