The other day I was running with a pick-up group of swordites. I'm a gun/bomb person myself, so I don't have any really impressive blades on-hand. I was holding my own, using a Freezing Vap mk. 1 and Super Blaster, not really DPSing the way the swordies were, but not dying either, through the first half of T2. When we hit the terminal, the group leader started telling me to bring out a sword. "Fine, " I thought, "I can use my level 5 Cutter with my freezing vap and still live." When we hit the second floor below, the leader started yelling at me for not using my sword exclusively. When I explained why I was using a vaporizer and not just a rather weak blade, he kicked me.
This was probably the correct course of action in this case. I didn't want to play by his rules, and he wasn't interested in having me with his group as a result. Fine. The only problem is that the kick didn't activate until someone had already picked up a statue, and suddenly I was unable to continue, not because I couldn't handle the combat, but because the statue simply wasn't there.
With this I pose the following: When is it appropriate to kick someone? Are there factors to consider, like people holding keys/statues that won't respawn after the kick, or is that the breaks of partying with someone who disagrees with you? Is kicking ever really okay? I'm curious to hear thoughts on this subject.
Not wanting to be confrontational, but freezing vaporisers can be a pain in the ass in the hands of someone that uses them indiscriminately. Almost as bad as blast bombs. You sure you were positioning your bombs for maximal advantage?