Welcome to Dies Irae, We're looking for cool, mature, dedicated, and courteous players who don't mind a lazy, non-demanding guild to hang in. Over 160 members strong we're more then ready to welcome in more to our ranks with simple requirements and an easygoing atmosphere. While we do seek active members we are a lazy guild and are PvE oriented. When i say lazy i mean by we don't actively do GvG nor seek participants to do so and that we are very lenient with attendance, dues, activity, but not our rules. Our focus as a guild is to see to it that every member can make the most out of the game and that everyone has a fun time in a friendly environment in which they can develop their gear or keep the end game going.
Being around since 2011 we've managed to round up a decent number of experienced players and good people who are more then willing to assist in noob training and know how to have a good time. But be warned that our guild isn't exactly family friendly, so if you have anything against strong language or "adult" situations then this may not be the place for you as we exhibit a more "mature" hivemind mentality. We are accepting players of any rank, but only the most courteous, adventurous, fun-loving, friendly, and considerate players will find their place here.
Services you may find in our guild include boss grinding teams, mission help, boss token recipes for sale, clockwork runs, advice and tips from experienced players, random shenanigans, event help, a nifty guildhall and much more. If you're interested in applying for membership:
mail me ingame to schedule an interview
apply on our personal forums - http://diesirae.totalgamehost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=443073&TabID=3789044
or leave a post below answering a few basic questions ( thread will be monitored and checked daily as well as responded to)
1. How long have you been playing?
2. How far are you into the missions?
3. how would you describe your playstyle? (gunner/bomber/swordsman/mix/etc)
4. how active would you say you are?
5. are you willing to help guildmates and other knights in general with missions/boss runs?
6. If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?
check our wiki page for more info: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Dies_Irae_%28Guild%29 (slightly outdated though)
Oh boy, here we go:
1. How long have you been playing?
I've been hopping back and forth. I moved over from Whirled(Something else made by Three Rings) to play Spiral Knights when it was released. Safe to say, the whole energy + clockwork scheme kinda put me off. I've come back and made a fresh character (Jugganaut), and I'm definitely settling in with the modern SK, for sure.
2. How far are you into the missions?
As of this application, I'm at rank 5-1.
3. how would you describe your playstyle? (gunner/bomber/swordsman/mix/etc)
..That's a good one. If we can go by equipment terms first, that'd be nice:
I like my tanky, heavy style. I'm using the Troika line(Kamarin), along with Spiral Plate armor(boosted as of now), with a Magnus to boot. I'm a fan of things like shield bashing, running in and blocking whilst letting Barriers inflict their effects, etc. Kinda support-esque, if you will.
Oh, and I've also taken a heavy liking to Shield Cancelling, now. I find it very useful. 'u'
4. how active would you say you are?
I'm definitely beginning to become active. I might not play for a day or two (or maybe a weeks worth or more, if I'm on a holiday away from home), but I'll certainly return.
5. are you willing to help guildmates and other knights in general with missions/boss runs?
Most certainly! I've obliged to help many knights that are lower in my rank, and some guildmates in previous guilds.
6. If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?
..Ah..hm. Bear with me, I just need to consult google for a second.