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11 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Lagretta


Portrait de Shoebox
If you didn't, now you do!

You know under edit, you can just move threads to other forums?

Makes things real easy.

Legacy Username

What better place to start a flame war than a thread that the OP wanted deleted anyway?

Legacy Username
I absolutely agree

I absolutely agree

Portrait de Sypsy
I completely disagree, but

I completely disagree, but for no good reason.

Anyone who agrees is aligned exactly opposite of me and that is not completely unacceptable!


Who's gonna start?

Nevermind. Sypsy beat me.

Nevermind. Sypsy beat me.

Legacy Username
Get it? Right? Get it?

Of course you do. Why wouldn't you agree? I'm right. Just like Maddox. Or Rush Limbaugh. Or Faux News.
Well, okay, technically Maddox is more manly than right, but still. That's like splitting atoms and saying it's kinda hot.

Portrait de Sypsy
@ Unsung Rondo: Double

@ Unsung Rondo:
Double posting in a thread that's supposed to be deleted? What is this madness?

Pretend I insulted you, calling to attention irrelevant things to distract everyone that I may just yammering about nothing.

Since I had to look up your reference to Maddox, I feel like I have lost control.

I instead insist that you should spell kinda as "kind of" because I need to pcik on smthng.

Legacy Username
@Sypsy I don't understand why


I don't understand why you are so arrogant to disagree with me on this situation. It is clear that the OP was right in stating that it is wrong. He wants his thread to be deleted but he did not know how. Atleast Shoebox was kind enough to give him a useful suggestion to move his thread to the graveyard instead of letting this thread become a senseless flame war for all the people who are bored and are just trolling the forums.

At least give me a constructive argument as to why my stance on this issue is not correct instead of just throwing out every arguments given and having it your way all the time. You must be spoiled as a kid or something, crying to mommy and daddy if they didn't get you the toy you wanted

Portrait de Sypsy
@lawlz (I'm not really used


(I'm not really used to being the irrational one, but here's a shot...)

He failed to use the word "please". He should have asked politely to have the thread deleted. I mean, who does that! My mommy and daddy would never get me a toy if I didn't cry "PLEASE" to them! Sheesh!

AND THEN, after Shoebox's reply, he didn't delete it himself. Instead, the next post came like, 9 hours after! And this thread is still not deleted!
This is completely unacceptable!
I expect that anyone and everyone on the internet should be always connected and checking for replies on forums they post, which includes taking action for things such as posting a thread in error.

I insist that your lack of insight on these completely obvious facts show that you're inconsiderate and irresponsible. You were probably the spoiled child who always expected your mommy or nanny to clean up after you.

Legacy Username
Never mind, the wheel spun "Bankrupt."

"smthing"? Care to buy a vowel or two?

And you poor silly thing, you never had control to begin with. You had an "Alt", and maybe could "Shift" a little, but Control was well beyond you to begin with. Are you keyed in now?


Sypsy is well within its rights to disagree with you. Your simple agreement held no qualifiers and was barely comprehensible. While your justification later does explain your reasoning decently, it also seems to contradict your stated opinion. Clearly you are incapable of creating and maintaining a single coherrent line of thought. Not only that, but Sypsy specifically qualified its disagreement, saying that a complete dissenting opinion is well within the realm of reasonable. Your sudden outburst is unwarranted.

Finally, this sentence is self-referential, effecting interesting responses if I am lucky.